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  • Dozier, Others Excited For James Beresford

    Seth Stohs

    Following their loss on Monday afternoon, the Minnesota Twins announced that they were promoting three more September call-ups. Earlier Byron Buxton, John Ryan Murphy and Jose Berrios had been called up, but on Monday, the Twins announced that Kennys Vargas, Tyler Duffey and James Beresford would be called up on Monday. On Tuesday, the Twins made it official, stating also that Danny Santana was placed on the 60 day disabled list.

    The moves of Vargas and Duffey were expected. However, while several of us have wanted Beresford to get promoted in previous Septembers, there was some surprise when James Beresford’s name was mentioned as a call up.

    That moved created a lot of excitement around Twitter and in the real world too.

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    According to a source around the Red Wings, before their final game of the season, manager Mike Quade went around and thanked players for the season. He then singled out the subs for the day. He started with Vargas telling him he couldn’t stand to watch him run the bases anymore. He moved on to Mitch Garver and said that he wanted to see the strength coach warm up the pitcher between innings. Finally, he got to Beresford. Quade said (ad-libbing), “and Jimmy, you’re not playing because you’re going to The Show!”

    Reports indicate that Beresford sat in stunned amazement for a while, until one teammate got him with two plates of shaving cream and a pitcher poured beer over him.

    If only there was video. Can you imagine the moment, 11 years after signing with an organization, and well over 1,000 minor league games, finally being told that you were getting The Call? Beresford could have left the organization as a free agent three times, but each time he chose to return to the Twins. Last year, he hit over .300 and was an International League All-Star. What a moment yesterday had to be for the Australian infielder.

    But it was a moment that wasn’t lost on teammates already in the big leagues.

    Michael Tonkin tweeted this:


    Brian Dozier had a big day on Monday for the Twins. The infielder hit three home runs and now has 38 on the season. I had the chance to talk to the second baseman early on Tuesday, and he was as excited as anyone. Not about his success, but about the promotion of James Beresford.

    The first game I went to in Beloit, Dozier was playing shortstop with Beresford at second base. They have been teammates several times and remain very close.

    Dozier said, “As you know, James and I came up together, roommates at a couple of levels, and one of my closer friends in all of baseball. To be honest, I kinda got a little emotional when hearing that he is coming up because of how hard he has worked over the years and the dedication he has had in order to fulfill this dream. I called him yesterday morning after he was told he was coming up and through the phone it was awesome to hear the excitement in his voice. I know he's been waiting for this moment his whole life and I couldn't be happier for him.”

    In Australia, the news was huge. He will become the 33rd player from the country to play in the major leagues. He’s been a big part of a few Olympic and WBC and other Team Australia contingents. He has played in the ABL for the Melbourne Aces. He represents, in many ways, Australian baseball.

    I talked to Beresford this spring, and he talked about when he was a young player in the Twins system, Australian Trent Oeltjen helped him, talked to him, bought him a few dinners. Same thing on those Olympic teams when Beresford was in his late teens.

    Now the table has turned. The 27-year-old Beresford is the veteran, and he has been helpful for some of the other young Australians in the Twins system.

    Sam Gibbons is a starting pitcher from Australia for the Cedar Rapids Kernels. Regarding Beresford, he said, “It's huge, I think you can tell just just by seeing how everyone back home has reacted, everything I've read about his promotion had been the same. I read one today saying ‘I've never seen a guy being called up make so many people this happy.’ It's so fitting because it's so true. Everyone is so excited for him.”

    Gibbons played a couple of years with Beresford with the Melbourne Aces, and again this spring in the WBC-Qualifier. He continued “Obviously he's had a lot of experience playing here in the US and just being able to pick his mind about anything and everything has been awesome. In spring training, he would take us young Aussies out for dinner, I think because he had guys do it for him. He's now the older Aussie that he does it for us.”

    Lachlan Wells is a left-hander in the Kernels rotation. He also was very excited for Beresford.

    He said, “Well it means a lot to younger Aussie in any professional system not to give up, keep at it because if you work hard results will come. I only met him this year in spring training but he was really helpful with advice about just certain things that would help me during the season and at certain levels when I move up.”

    Wells continued, “Plus it means a lot for Australia because it's another Aussie in the big leagues. Not many people get to do it and with the baseball community being so small everyone will be supporting 100%”

    Others tweeted their thoughts:

    Morrie Silver:


    Josh Whetzel:


    Todd Van Steensel:


    So many want to think this is a Thank You promotion for Beresford, and to some degree it is. However, the Twins have always liked to have two utility infielders, especially in September. With Jorge Polanco starting most games at shortstop, Eduardo Escobar is the team’s utility infielder. They wanted a second utility infielder, and Beresford makes a ton of sense.

    Beresford is able to very capably play defense at all four infield positions. He hasn’t played much shortstop for the Red Wings in recent years, but that is his natural position. It’s where he played for Team Australia in international competition.

    Many are excited for James Beresford to finally get this call, and he’s earned it!

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    I don't worry too much about the fact that Beresford hasn't played SS for Rochester much (if at all) this season. Same was true of Polanco and, surprise!, he plays it just fine for the Twins when he's called up. Funny how that works.


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    He's earned it, if not this year, other years.  I hope he gets 40 ab's at least and has some success. 


    Some years I get a bat signed by team members, always get a few extra, though when you get to 28 or so names it gets really crowded.  I didn't this year but a buddy did, and late as his was almost filled I told him to get Beresford, if for nothing else but to give him some respect.  So he did.  Probably the only team signed bat with James on it from this spring.

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    He has more than earned it.  He would have been a good-sense callup plenty of times in the past, yet has been overlooked way more than he should have been.  I've been in this guy's corner for a long time, and I'm glad to see him finally getting his long-overdue shot.  

    He reminds me of a lot of those guys who came out of the Cardinals org, with a ton and a half of minor league games under his belt, ready to contribute on the big stage.  He's been solid on both O and D for a long time.  I hope Molly can get him into the lineup, instead of doing what he's usually done with the young guys the last couple of years.  

    2017- Dozier to 3rd, Polanco SS, Beresford 2B.  Now we're getting somewhere.  Add about 5 more quality SP's and we're talking contention...  nyuk, nyuk.

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    Great, another feel-good story on a 100+ loss team. At least they're digging in their own dumpster this time instead of their neighbor's.

    now is the best time to let someone get their possible only look in the majors.

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    now is the best time to let someone get their possible only look in the majors.

    If there's a time for it, this is it. The preference should be, however, to get Sano as many reps at 3B as possible, Polanco as many possible at SS, Vargas at 1B, etc. If he takes reps away from actual future parts of this team - like Schafer is doing in the OF - then I hate this move more than Albers in the rotation.


    OK, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's pretty close. I'm just sick of marginal players getting rewarded for marginal play and then have the local shills put a positive spin on it by pointing out how "great a guy" they are or how James and Brian made each other friendship bracelets in rookie ball.


    I want the "feel-good" story for this team to be winning, not giving a poor man's Denny Hocking his first and only cup of coffee.

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    If there's a time for it, this is it. The preference should be, however, to get Sano as many reps at 3B as possible, Polanco as many possible at SS, Vargas at 1B, etc. If he takes reps away from actual future parts of this team - like Schafer is doing in the OF - then I hate this move more than Albers in the rotation.


    OK, maybe that's an exaggeration, but it's pretty close. I'm just sick of marginal players getting rewarded for marginal play and then have the local shills put a positive spin on it by pointing out how "great a guy" they are or how James and Brian made each other friendship bracelets in rookie ball.


    I want the "feel-good" story for this team to be winning, not giving a poor man's Denny Hocking his first and only cup of coffee.

    This guy is likely going to be released end of season.  He's spent a lot of time in the minors and letting him wear the MLB uniform for a month in a season like this is, well, commendable.  There's a way to run a ballclub and still be a person too.

    Edited by jimmer
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    Again, with his defense and flexibility and the quality at bats he takes, he's just fine to be up as the 2nd utility infielder. That's the case whether it's September or June. 


    And yes, he will likely be DFAd after the season, and hopefully they bring him back as he's a nice backup plan at second base. 

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    Again, with his defense and flexibility and the quality at bats he takes, he's just fine to be up as the 2nd utility infielder. That's the case whether it's September or June. 


    And yes, he will likely be DFAd after the season, and hopefully they bring him back as he's a nice backup plan at second base.


    If he's likely to be DFA'd, then he's not "just fine" as the 2nd utility infielder. Particularly in June.


    I have no problem rewarding a good company man with a month's big league salary. Good for him, and good on the Twins.


    But he shouldn't get meaningful playing time. "Feel good" shouldn't be the priority.

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    Hey........ he is only 27! And posters call Park young. Beresford is just a baby!


    It is a nice thing, to give a guy an arguably meaningless September call up. Good for him. Sad for the fans that would rather be talking about meaningful baseball, but you have to have something to write about, I guess.

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