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Article: VOTE: Most Iconic Twins Moment

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Earlier this week, the Sporting News released their list of the most iconic moment for each MLB team. Kirby Puckett's Game 6 home run topped the list for the Twins.


Here's your chance to rank some of the other iconic moments in franchise history. If you want to read a little bit more about the moments, click here.


CLICK HERE to rank the moments

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For me, the 1987 "Welcome Home" Rally, when the Twins returned from defeating Detroit was an iconic moment--largely because of how it influenced the players. Here's an excerpt from Doug Grow's work "We're Gonna Win Twins."


I love this exchange between Hrbek and a security guard:


"It was almost 10 o'clock on a Monday night and yet there was activity everywhere. There were people on the overpasses waving banners. And the closer the buses got to the Dome, the more people there were.


The buses made it to the loading dock area behind the Dome. There were people, yelling and waving.


"Why aren't they inside?" Twins first baseman Kent Hrbek asked a security man on the bus.


"There's no room inside, Herbie," the security man said."




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Half a century is a pretty long time. This season we will be a year short of 50 years since Allison made his catch.

There was a runner on 1st. The Dodgers had the great Koufax pitching for them.



doesn't look all that impressive, perhaps, but it was really big.
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Iconic franchise moment to the franchise's fans, or to baseball fans in general? If you ask an average fan in Peoria or Walla Walla, "what moment do you think of when I say Minnesota Twins", the tag of Gant probably ranks awfully high. (And for that reason, because it gets some people's goats, it ranks pretty high for me as well.)

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Baylor's and Hrbek's HRs in game 6 of the 87 World Series have to be up there.


Agreed! I think Baylor's HR gets overlooked.

He was a real asset to the team.


I remember when they got him in late August of '87.

It was a sign that they were really going for it.

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I watched Game 6 of the 1987 World Series in a NYC bar because I had just gotten out of work. When Herbie hit the grand slam, it took my breath away. When I had recovered it, all I could say to the complete stranger next to me was, “That was the best thing I ever saw, ever.” I’m sure it sounded overdramatic, but, skipping up Broadway on my way home after the game, I was listening to Jim Kaat commenting on the radio on my headphones. He described Herbie’s slam as the best moment in the history of the Twins. I thought, “Wow, who better than Kitty to know that? He’d been there for every other possible best moment.” Yes, it has since been overshadowed by Kirby’s Game 6 in 1991, but don’t forget how big it was.

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Iconic franchise moment to the franchise's fans, or to baseball fans in general? If you ask an average fan in Peoria or Walla Walla, "what moment do you think of when I say Minnesota Twins", the tag of Gant probably ranks awfully high. (And for that reason, because it gets some people's goats, it ranks pretty high for me as well.)


It is a shame that the Twins are remembered for that moment...

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I would say it's a tough call between Kirby's game 6 home run and Morris' performance the following day.


Ditto, my thoughts exactly......slight edge to Kirby's game 6 HR though, just because it was a single moment, where Morris' was played out over the entire game.

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Let me speak for the over 60 crowd. I don't think the two oldest entries ('65 catch and '67 520 ft homer) equal Killebrew's '65 bottom of the ninth, two out home run in the last game before the all star game. That homer that beat the Yankees, perennial league champions, signaled that the Twins just might be for real. In an earlier day, that homer was voted the greatest moment in Twins history (25 year celebration?). I also have a personal attachment as I was in the left field bleachers near where the line drive homer landed.


I also think Carew's 4 hit June 26 game that left him with an avg over .400 during his 1977 MVP year should have been on the list.

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Herbie's Game 6 slam was huge. Nobody outside the Twins community would remember or care, but his homer in Yankee Stadium debut (1981) was a pretty big moment too, the first little point of light for that group signaling better things to come.


Yes, I can directly testify to that: As I’ve mentioned countless times, I live in New York City. I was not at Yankee Stadium that evening, as my interest in the Twins was at its lowest in the late 1970s and very early 1980’s. I was watching the game on TV, but for one of the first times in my life, turned it off to go to sleep in the 11th inning. Nonetheless, I was so excited by what I heard the next morning that it single-handedly revived my interest in the Twins (the New York press did make a big deal of it). Thereafter, I followed the “Terrible Twins” of 1982 very loyally and could feel the full satisfaction of seeing things come to fruition in 1987.

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I had a tough time ranking that list and wanted to make everything #1.


While I wouldn't put it as #1, the ALCS celebration at the Dome in '87 was an awesome moment. As soon as we heard it announced my roommate and I dashed over there and were close to the front of the crowd that just kept coming. When they opened the doors we knew exactly where we wanted to be and made a dash and were right rows over the dugout. That crowd was amazing, the spirit of it, the camaraderie. Heh, and to think my roommate and I wondered if very many people would show up as we were dashing over there.

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Ditto, my thoughts exactly......slight edge to Kirby's game 6 HR though, just because it was a single moment, where Morris' was played out over the entire game.


The "moment" for Morris's game might be when he came back out for the 10th. A real "wow" moment that still sends chills of anticipation for me. As an iconic moment, it is different than the others mentioned, as it wasn't yet a done deal, and it only becomes iconic because of the final result.

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The "moment" for Morris's game might be when he came back out for the 10th. A real "wow" moment that still sends chills of anticipation for me. As an iconic moment, it is different than the others mentioned, as it wasn't yet a done deal, and it only becomes iconic because of the final result.


Good point, I never thought of it that way.

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My list:


1. Puckett's HR

2. Gene Larkin drives in Dan Gladden

Big gap

3. Game 163 walk-off (gets bonus points because I saw it in person)

4. Hrbek's salami.

5. ALCS party

6. Hrbek/Gant (the controversy is the only reason anyone remembers it)

7/8. Killebrew HR/Allison's catch (these were before my time)


Honorable mention:

That game where we turned two triple plays.

Winning in the wild card round a year after contraction.

Thome's walk-off HR against the Chisox

Kubel's monster straightaway cf upper deck home run in game 163. (Again, I was there :) )

Kubel's upper deck grand slam to complete cycle/huge comeback.

That Morneau HR that broke the scoreboard in Milwaukee.

Something Mauer related. (Sad that the second greatest Twin of my lifetime doesn't have a signature moment.

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My list:


Something Mauer related. (Sad that the second greatest Twin of my lifetime doesn't have a signature moment.


Hey, it's got to be Mauer beating out Jeter for his first batting title in 2006, at the same time we were surprise winners of the division on the last day of the season. Mauer became the first AL catcher to win. It's hard to get better than that!!

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My list:


Honorable mention:

That game where we turned two triple plays.


Good mention. I swear I did not read or know anything about this in advance: I was just glancing at the box score the next day (in New York, I didn't get much Twins news in the pre-Internet days), and my eye fell upon the "TP, Min, 2." Couldn't believe it. I did cut out the box score and still have the curled up yellow piece of paper.


I did have a strange gut feeling about the 1990 Twins: that they really weren't a last place team, and that they would do something with their good pitching and defense.

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Gad, so many moments. I was at the ALCS celebration in '87. I remember dome officials not expecting the place to jammed like it was.


Kent Hrbek sprawled out face down up the first base line, foot on first, snagging a throw from Gary Gaetti is probably the most memorable defensive play I've ever seen. Although, Nick Punto rolling the ball to Casilla with his glove, while face down, is right up there. Allan Anderson doubling a guy off first after diving to field a bunt that was popped foul was another incredible play. Mickey Hatcher diving for a ball and the ball winding up under his cap, which came off during the dive, was the most hilarious thing I've ever seen, defensively. (I think it was Hatcher, could be wrong)


Anyway, Puckett's catch and blast are the moments that really stand out for me.


Jack Morris' complete game in Game 7 of the '91 Series may not be an iconic moment, but it definitely is iconic.


Les Straker's meltdown after being called for a balk (dropped the ball while on the rubber) at Busch Stadium exemplified Twins post season road futility in the '87 Series.


One of the things I love about baseball is that just as soon as you think you've seen everything, something wild and weird happens. Such as a wild pitch during an intentional walk.

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