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Doug Mientkiewicz.

Mr. Brooks

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To compare this and the Sano issue is overall pretty ridiculous. By all accounts Mint has been a good manager, what do you all want, for him to be fired over this or something?


The key to me on this is consistency. Mint is in a leadership role now, which means him doing some akin to Sano requires the team to act in a similar way. It shouldn't just be sufficient to have the league suspend him, there should be some sort of team discipline, otherwise it sends a very poor message.


Let's do away with the nonsense about protecting his players, nothing about this has anything to do with that and it's a crappy excuse even if it does. I, for the record, am on board with the team needing more fire so I'm not down on the action. But if you're going to punish Sano for poor sportsmanship, you better punish Mint for poor sportsmanship.


This organization has a long history of playing favorites, the only thing I want rid of more than the "nice guy next door" cookie cutter is the favoritism. Just be consistent.

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No, we wanted Sano not to be punished for doing what Ortiz, and dozens of other MLB players do. If the team is going to be all holier than thou, then it should be all holier than thou with everyone, not just three latin players this year (which seem to be the only ones anyone has really talked about, oddly).


But it's not just those three. In all the years I've watched this minor league system, it has happened (benchings for HR pimping, not running things out, etc.) dozens of times. It's not just 'three Latin players.' I'ts just that they're recognizable names. If Molitor wouldn't have said anything on the radio, no one would have known the full story. "Lesser known" players just don't garner the attention.


I think the difference is that Mientkiewicz will be suspended by the FSL for what happened, and absolutely should be.

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Mike Kvasnicka had to sub for Jairo Rodriguez after he got rolled over at home plate on the 16th. The next day, Jairo didn't get off the bench - Matt Koch caught in his stead. Evidently Jairo was a little bruised or sore from the previous day and thus Doug had to sit him and probably wasn't happy about it.


Rodriguez, who'll be 25 in 5 days, and is batting 255/270/273 for the year. Quite possibly could be looking at his last season of pro ball. And then for the Marauder coach to pipe up about a retaliation... all I will say is, its not hard to sympathize I think.


With Sano - He had a conflict with a teammate - Bobby Lanigan, a 26 year old who like Rodriguez, probably isn't long for the pro baseball world, and who had just endured one humiliation of being released by the Twins, and a 2nd for giving up a home run to his superstar 20 year old "rival." And then Sano rubs it in further by pimping it? Totally different, IMHO.

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Mike Kvasnicka had to sub for Jairo Rodriguez after he got rolled over at home plate on the 16th. The next day, Jairo didn't get off the bench - Matt Koch caught in his stead. Evidently Jairo was a little bruised or sore from the previous day and thus Doug had to sit him and probably wasn't happy about it.


Rodriguez, who'll be 25 in 5 days, and is batting 255/270/273 for the year. Quite possibly could be looking at his last season of pro ball. And then for the Marauder coach to pipe up about a retaliation... all I will say is, its not hard to sympathize I think.


With Sano - He had a conflict with a teammate - Bobby Lanigan, a 26 year old who like Rodriguez, probably isn't long for the pro baseball world, and who had just endured one humiliation of being released by the Twins, and a 2nd for giving up a home run to his superstar 20 year old "rival." And then Sano rubs it in further by pimping it? Totally different, IMHO.


I've yet to hear anyone confirm or deny that it was a dirty play at the plate.

If he was blocking the plate, what is wrong with knocking him over? I thought that was the standard play.

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I've yet to hear anyone confirm or deny that it was a dirty play at the plate.

If he was blocking the plate, what is wrong with knocking him over? I thought that was the standard play.

I am giving Dougie and the Miracle the benefit of the doubt here - if it warranted a retaliation, it probably was a dirty slide. But I dont know for sure TBH

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And then for the Marauder coach to pipe up about a retaliation... all I will say is, its not hard to sympathize I think.


So it's ok to fight with someone because their team made an aggressive play to avoid being out?


Jesus I hate unwritten rules. I simply can't say it enough.

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I might be in the minority, and even though I consider myself rather analytical in consuming baseball, I actually really like that Dougie was out there backing up his players. Not to compare the level of baseball I've played and continue to play and have coached to professionals in high-A, but there certainly is something to be said for letting your players know you have their backs. No I don't think it matters numbers-wise or statistically, but it does matter in the atmosphere of being a team.

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It boggles the mind that people think fighting is an appropriate response to this at all. Unreal. Do you fight at your work? Why is it ok to do so as a baseball manager? I just don't get it at all.


I also don't wear pajamas to work.

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It boggles the mind that people think fighting is an appropriate response to this at all. Unreal. Do you fight at your work? Why is it ok to do so as a baseball manager? I just don't get it at all.


This is a bit silly. Baseball managers and players know they won't get "fired" for fighting , most people who work for companies will get fired the second a punch is thrown. I am pretty sure at a past job or two I would have gladly forfeited a couple days worth of salary to punch some ******** (Mostly the High School and College jobs i.e Golf Caddy).

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No one has said it was ok to fight. He's getting suspended. We're simply saying it's a different situation than Sano, and we understand his motivation. Stupid act, but we see why it happened. Rushing the other manager? Dumb idea. No unwritten rules here.


I'd still bet on the other manager saying a "magic word" that got Dougie all hot and bothered, if that is the case I am sure the Twins brass know about it which is probably why they didn't go completely nuts on him/fire him/further punish him.


This could be the "honey nut cheerios" of the minor league world for all we know.

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So it's ok to fight with someone because their team made an aggressive play to avoid being out?


Jesus I hate unwritten rules. I simply can't say it enough.

Who says it was okay? The league will suspend both managers and that's probably justified. After my attempt at piecing together the events and the players involved, I do sympathize with the emotional stress Doug might have been under in that moment, that's all. However he didn't handle it in the most professional manner obviously.

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I don't think any of us should be taking just to strong of a stance one way or another. Once again, we have partial facts. Ryan may very well have taken exception with Mientkiewicz privately which would be the appropriate place to do so. I don't think anyone in management should be over critical of players with the media either.


The big difference to me is that there has been a pattern of poor behavior with Sano where Mientkiewicz has been the ultimate team guy which he took a little too far here. Personally, I would have let Mientkiewicz know privately that while I fully appreciate that he gives his heart and soul to the team, this was an extraordinarily poor lack of judgment and let the leauge handle the punishment. My guess would be that is probably what will happen.


IMO, some of you are going out of your way to criticize management.

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I might be in the minority, and even though I consider myself rather analytical in consuming baseball, I actually really like that Dougie was out there backing up his players. Not to compare the level of baseball I've played and continue to play and have coached to professionals in high-A, but there certainly is something to be said for letting your players know you have their backs. No I don't think it matters numbers-wise or statistically, but it does matter in the atmosphere of being a team.


Managers at every level have had their players backs for decades.

The vast majority of them manage to do it without physically attacking someone on the field.

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I'm not criticizing management (anymore....but I do think if you are going to publicly call out players, you should also publicly call out management, having studied organizational change management, I'm pretty sure that's what business leaders to run successful companies would do), I'm criticizing violence when not faced with violence. Violence is wrong.....just because it was tolerated for years (like, I don't know, greenies or racism) does not make it right.

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I didn't see the slide but if the catcher was blocking the plate then I don't understand the need to retaliate. Yeah the guy got hurt and that is unfortunate but it is a part of baseball. Even if they decided to retaliate with a pitch that ultimately missed Dougie should have been prepared to hear something from the other dugout. I really don't see how he can be defended in any way shape or form for going after the other manager. This had nothing to do with protecting his players and much more to do with Dougie's injured pride IMHO He should be better than that. I don't see how this promotes anything good except reinforcing kindergarten type behavior.

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Who says it was okay? The league will suspend both managers and that's probably justified. After my attempt at piecing together the events and the players involved, I do sympathize with the emotional stress Doug might have been under in that moment, that's all. However he didn't handle it in the most professional manner obviously.


I don't sympathize with it at all. If you don't like that your catcher got trucked - tell him to get off the plate. Blaming the other team for being aggressive and not giving away an out is maddening. Not only do I not sympathize with that - I think less of the gritty, gutty Dougie I knew for not tipping his cap to a hard play.


Why should ANYONE have been insulted that their was a physical play at the plate? Both teams are in equal on that one - playing aggressively to get an out and to avoid an out. I fail to see why that is a sympathetic reason to act like an idiot.

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I don't sympathize with it at all. If you don't like that your catcher got trucked - tell him to get off the plate. Blaming the other team for being aggressive and not giving away an out is maddening. Not only do I not sympathize with that - I think less of the gritty, gutty Dougie I knew for not tipping his cap to a hard play.


Why should ANYONE have been insulted that their was a physical play at the plate? Both teams are in equal on that one - playing aggressively to get an out and to avoid an out. I fail to see why that is a sympathetic reason to act like an idiot.


By all means share with us what you know about that play because as I said I'm not 100% sure how it went down. But until video of the play surfaces or more facts come to light then I'll give Doug and the team the benefit of the doubt. I don't believe they'd retaliate for a clean slide at the plate or an impact if the catcher was blocking it.

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My god, brawls break out in almost every sport at one time or another. League hands out discipline. No one loses their job. These are games. Things get said. Tempers get lost. People do stupid things. The term "rhubarb" has been around baseball for a long time.

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By all means share with us what you know about that play because as I said I'm not 100% sure how it went down. But until video of the play surfaces or more facts come to light then I'll give Doug and the team the benefit of the doubt. I don't believe they'd retaliate for a clean slide at the plate or an impact if the catcher was blocking it.


Why would we give someone the benefit of the doubt for having a rationale reason for doing something irrational?


Managers and players retaliate for stupid nonsense all the time. If anything, most "retaliations" are for made-up, oversensitive stuff. We should defer to the assumption that they overreacted, not the reverse.


I don't know the details of this case, but I know that in the vast majority of cases where someone feels the need to "protect" someone else or "retaliate" - their reasons for doing so are pathetic and usually based on some bizarre notion of fair play.

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My god, brawls break out in almost every sport at one time or another. League hands out discipline. No one loses their job. These are games. Things get said. Tempers get lost. People do stupid things. The term "rhubarb" has been around baseball for a long time.


doesn't make it right.....that's the part no one can explain, why is violence accpeted on the baseball field at all, or the hockey rink, or basketball court?

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