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Article: Twins Daily Audio: Passing On The Big Three

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It's only 15-20 minutes, so if you have a chance, please listen and provide us with your feedback on doing such podcasts... and also on my 'conspiracy theory.' Am I crazy!?


I do not buy your conspiracy theory and, as much as I love your writing, I am pretty sure that you are crazy.


This was excellent. Concise and to a point. I think this will be a popular feature if you continue to do these. I look forward to the next one.


Criticism: could use a little more consistency on the voice volumes.


Thanks very much. I enjoyed this.


Also, I would be fine with the Twins taking Stewart over Bryant.

They are saying it is a 3 player draft. As I posted elsewhere on TD,

Stewart's is the arm that could make that line untrue.


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I'm not sure if it was the shorter length because it was a test or if that's the plan going forward, but I like the idea of short one-topic podcasts like this. I tend to listen to podcasts for a few minutes at a time at the office or in the evening and this kind of thing is much easier to find time for than the 60-90 minute versions.


I do, of course, expect the tabloids to be headlining the inevitable "breakup" of the Geek from Gleeman as a result of the Geek "cheating on" Gleeman with Seth and Jeremy.

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It's only 15-20 minutes, so if you have a chance, please listen and provide us with your feedback on doing such podcasts... and also on my 'conspiracy theory.' Am I crazy!?


Kohl Stewart is also a hometown guy for the Astros and isn't a Boras client. I'd find him a more likely conspiracy target as he could still be the underslot player they desire.

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Provisional Member
It's only 15-20 minutes, so if you have a chance, please listen and provide us with your feedback on doing such podcasts... and also on my 'conspiracy theory.' Am I crazy!?


I'm a big fan of podcasts and listen to them all the time. I tried to listen here at work and I get an error because it's firewalled. Is there any chance that if you all do this on a regular basis that you put it on iTunes like John and Aaron do with their podcast? I guarantee you I'd subscribe if you go that route. Thanks

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I enjoyed the pod. Good content. I love the draft speculation. Was able to listen in on an iPhone with no problems at all. Loaded quick, too.


Now the gripes about the technical aspects. The sound was actually pretty decent except for a few aspects. The music was too loud at the beginning and ending which drowned out John's dulcet tones. When doing a podcast, I recommend never using a speakerphone. John, strangely, sounded worse than he does in the bar episodes of Gleeman and the Geek. Around the 12 minute mark there was some very audible microphone adjustments going on and the sound dimmed down. The audio in the last few minutes of the podcast was a little difficult to listen to.

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Also, in regard to the Pirates and Marlins having more money than the Twins, the Pirates are in that postion due to having 2 first rounders due to not signing Appel. If Gray were to refuse the Twins offer, the Twins would be in that situation next year.

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For some reason the feed doesn't seem to buffer, and my DSL internet connection means that it pauses every five seconds or less. I saved the mp3 file to disk and ran it from there and then it was smooth.


I have to say that none of the microphones seemed professional, each sounding like low-end home-market equipment in its own way. Low digital sample rate?

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Jeremey's mic was low quality or he was using the mic on his phone which is going to be low quality. The intro/outro music is a little too 'powerful' for what the product is. Otherwise, loved the focus, conciseness and length. Got a lot of good thoughts in a short time. Thanks for doing this.

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Jeremey's mic was low quality or he was using the mic on his phone which is going to be low quality. The intro/outro music is a little too 'powerful' for what the product is. Otherwise, loved the focus, conciseness and length. Got a lot of good thoughts in a short time. Thanks for doing this.

Seconded. I didn't mind the music at the end, but I couldn't hear John at the beginning. I'm also pretty sure "And welcome..." is trademarked by G&G.

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I also appreciated the podcast. I also liked that it was short and concise. A few audio problems as others have noted but I'm sure that will get ironed out. I look forward to more short and interesting discussions.

Conspiracy theory - yes seems very farfetched, but we're all at least a little crazy.

Oldgoat - If the Twins do draft and sign Stewart, I hope you're right about him making the 3 player draft statements untrue.

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Provisional Member

First off John I love listening to your and Gleemans podcast, look forward to it every week. I didnt really like this new podcast, you were good as always but the other 2 just didnt seem like they were good talkers. And that wierd Conspiracy theory was insane, how can somebody think that? I mean nodody could plan out something that eloborate in the mlb and expect it all to fall into place.


Maybe the other 2 were new to podcasts and were nervous? I will listent to any new ones you make and keep an open mind.

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First off John I love listening to your and Gleemans podcast, look forward to it every week. I didnt really like this new podcast, you were good as always but the other 2 just didnt seem like they were good talkers. And that wierd Conspiracy theory was insane, how can somebody think that? I mean nodody could plan out something that eloborate in the mlb and expect it all to fall into place.


Maybe the other 2 were new to podcasts and were nervous? I will listent to any new ones you make and keep an open mind.


Tough crowd!

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First off John I love listening to your and Gleemans podcast, look forward to it every week. I didnt really like this new podcast, you were good as always but the other 2 just didnt seem like they were good talkers. And that wierd Conspiracy theory was insane, how can somebody think that? I mean nodody could plan out something that eloborate in the mlb and expect it all to fall into place.


Maybe the other 2 were new to podcasts and were nervous? I will listent to any new ones you make and keep an open mind.


Mom, lay off the Red Bull. :-)

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