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Article: Aaron Hicks' defensive gaffes draw manager's ire

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Provisional Member

Do y'all remember the call when Hicks hit his first HR? We get more excitment from Bremer on balls that barely reach the warning track. Here's a guy who hit his first MLB HR and it was like it was no biggy. Didn't even show a replay of it like they do with almost every HR.

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Provisional Member
C'mon, the guy is a pro athlete. He can at least jog back to his position, even Randy Moss does that on occasion.


All I can tell you is that Gladden was pretty upset about that aspect of it, so there might have been something to it. I don't know for sure, I'm just pointing out that everyone is focusing on what they saw on TV when there might have been more to it.


He had a long way to go to get back to his position. He jogged back to it. Gladden was full of stuff.

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I think most of the responses here are more overblown than Gardy's. At first I thought this could be a good thing (Hicks' catch-toss), that he's relaxing a having fun and maybe will loosen up and begin playing and hitter better. Yet, the catch-toss is really hotdogging it for a rookie CF who's not fielding well and batting holding the barrel so it seems. Ripping on Gardy for his response to these plays is overblown. Carrot and stick.

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Do y'all remember the call when Hicks hit his first HR? We get more excitment from Bremer on balls that barely reach the warning track. Here's a guy who hit his first MLB HR and it was like it was no biggy. Didn't even show a replay of it like they do with almost every HR.


You're implying they don't like Hicks. What is the motive for this do you think?

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Provisional Member
You're implying they don't like Hicks. What is the motive for this do you think?


They mirror Gardy and the FO. Gardy seems down on him now, so they aren't going to overly praise him. Heck they still slam players Gardy didn't like a season or two after they're gone.

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Old-Timey Member
I for one am not suggesting Hicks didn't do some hotdog stuff out there. Gardy should have calmly talked to Hicks like an adult. What Gardy did was more resembling a bully. He threw a fit when it happened, and then stuck his finger into Hicks' face while he was 'explaining himself', still red in the face and obviously raising his voice. He did all this in full view of the team and cameras. It was completely out of line. You can't teach anyone anything when you're throwing a tantrum.


I like to trot out my Mastro anecdote from spring training 2012, when he was quoted as TK advising him "let's keep the 360s to a minimum out there" after a bad route to a fly ball. He contrasted that to getting "reamed out" for such things in Toronto.


But. What do you as manager do when the low-key approach has been tried and it's not getting through. And this is what we don't know. Because by its nature, the low-key approach isn't made known.


This is one where I don't see how in the world we judge. I side with the manager, up until the moment any other evidence comes along.

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Old-Timey Member
While many of the comments deal with Gardy's behavior, I am more concerned about how Dick Bremer and all the FSN crew were all over Hicks. Generally they don't do that if they are not channeling something said to them by the Twins (Remember Slowey, or the focus on Valencia last year when the whole team was a disaster). I hope they don't end up mishandling a talented player that then either is lost or succeeds somewhere else.


I'm not concerned about a Valencia-style of losing faith in Hicks. But you're almost certainly right that the company shills would not be saying something on-air unless they were getting the word from inside - channeling, as you say.

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The reason he is in the lineup TODAY is so he does not make the same mistakes two years from now when it matters. One problem with a young player is that the problems at the plate often needlessly cause problems in the field.




They need to be in the game every day. Their mistakes need to be corrected but in a way that makes them feel that they can improve upon them.


I like Gardenhire as a person. But, he is not the manager for a rebuilding team.

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When the TV or radio guys get involved it usually means that the player will be sent out. These guys work for the team and get talking points everyday before the games it's just laying the groundwork. We are being primed for Hicks getting sent down, imo.

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No, we wouldn't have. But perhaps a better example is, if that were Revere, Gardy would have been yucking it up in the dugout, and telling everyone what a "great kid that is."


It's a good example of both ways this develops - veterans and Gardy's pets get a pass but god help you if you don't fall in either category.

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I haven't even been on a Twins forum in months. I came here to see why Sano and Rosario weren't playing, hoping they'd been moved semi-aggressively to New Britain. (Of course not, I have learned.) And then I read this article and am immediately reminded of some of the key reasons why I am no longer a Twins fan per se, and of the typically predictable and enervating actions/blather of several of the clowns who embody those reasons (see: Gardenhire, Bremer, Gladden).


It was a nice play. His flip carried no risk. But HOW DARE HE not possess that s(t)olid midwestern-protestant-overachiever nose-to-the-grindstone (white) work ethic that, at times, seems to be the ONLY thing extolled by the Twins org.


Gladden and Gardenhire were players with very limited skill sets. Their post-playing baseball careers are built on similarly management-friendly mediocrity. Bremer has no discernible skills of any kind. Aaron Hicks has baseball tools they can only dream of. (That said, he should be in AAA developing his hit tool, as was obvious in March to anyone who understands minor league projections and what a red flaggy 25.7% K/AB ratio [his 2012 number vs. RHP] all but guarantees, but my interest in beating such drums on the reg has long since been beaten down to a fine "meh" by the pervasive awfulness of the organization's culture.) Imagine the unadulterated hate if he happened to be a smart guy!


I've come to love the Pirates, my former "second team", with more of my soul than I ever loved the Twins. That said, Clint Hurdle does a TON of incredibly irritating things tactically and has a big red face, so sometimes I feel like I haven't really escaped Gardenhire. Then I see stuff like this and realize that, however asinine Hurdle's bullpen management or stubbornness WRT sac bunts and steals, etc., I have never sensed that he's any kind of intolerant, passive aggressive jerk the way I always do WRT Gardenhire. Watching Hurdle put his arm around Starling Marte after he TOOTBLANd in the bottom of the 8th today puts his tactical "genius" in perspective.


(Imagine how bad it would have been if Blyleven had been there, too.)

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Old-Timey Member
IMO, last night was just another example of why I've come to the conclusion it's in everyone's best interests to replace Gardy, the sooner the better. Hicks certainly hasn't impressed anyone with this defense, but I don't get the sense that's because he's not trying hard, or doesn't care. In my experience, when someone is trying hard but not succeeding, yelling at them--especially publicly--tends to make the situation worse. Figure out what needs to be done to correct the deficiencies, and work on that, rather than give the person more reason to question themselves.


You weren't from the R Lee Ermey school of discipline, were you? It sure looked like Gardy was expressing himself in Ermey-like language to Ullger and Vavra right after the catch. Maybe Gardy uses those 2 to get it out of his system, he was certainly less demonstrative when he finally addressed Hicks.

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Your quote and response to my post is confusing. I was saying that Gardy may have been upset about more than just the flip for those that are saying he overreacted to that.




What I find frustrating about all of this (his defense as a whole) as a fan of the Twins is that we were assured that Hick's was ready defensively even if he struggled at the plate. So far, that hasn't been the case via statistics or eye test.


My bad Alex, I quoted you and then went on to rant about the other posters who are ranting about Gardenhire.

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Old-Timey Member
When the TV or radio guys get involved it usually means that the player will be sent out. These guys work for the team and get talking points everyday before the games it's just laying the groundwork. We are being primed for Hicks getting sent down, imo.


Absolutely spot on Winston. I can see why you so aptly chose your 1984 avatar. Subtle (and not so subtle) changes in the "message", not-so-glowing "rewrites" of once-friendly biographic memes all come down from on-high. Hicks will be down in Roc. before the month is out, once they are either convinced Benson is ready, and/or Mastro isn't going to be ready any time soon- which would open a roster spot for Thomas.

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I must have missed something, because I saw nothing from Gardenhire that was even close to out of line when he was correcting Hicks play. Do we really need to treat these guys that delicately? He is going to be a better player because of last night.

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Old-Timey Member
He had a long way to go to get back to his position. He jogged back to it. Gladden was full of stuff.


To put it in perspective, Gladden also last night finally came out with his version of the backstory about his fight with Lombardozzi back in '91. Gladden was rather proud of himself for setting Lombo straight by beating him up on Gladden's front lawn- Gladden seemed to take some credit from that incident for winning the World Series that year.

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Old-Timey Member
I must have missed something, because I saw nothing from Gardenhire that was even close to out of line when he was correcting Hicks play. Do we really need to treat these guys that delicately? He is going to be a better player because of last night.



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Guest USAFChief
You weren't from the R Lee Ermey school of discipline, were you?
Not when it wasn't likely to be helpful. In my experience, a little "wall to wall counseling" was sometimes effective when the issues revolved around a lack of discipline or motivation. Such tactics were never effective when the issues revolved around inexperience, lack of training or resources, or ineffective leadership.
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Old-Timey Member
Not when it wasn't likely to be helpful. In my experience, a little "wall to wall counseling" was sometimes effective when the issues revolved around a lack of discipline or motivation. Such tactics were never effective when the issues revolved around inexperience, lack of training or resources, or ineffective leadership.


To be fair, it looked like he directly addressed Hicks more professionally than his histrionic display with his bench coaches. I think it even appeared that Gardy may have been USAFChief-like when directly addressing Hicks in the dugout. And Hicks is in the starting lineup- to me (admittedly one of the biggest Gardy critics out there), that was a gentle "kick in the tail, you're better than that, now go out there and get after it" admonishment. It might even work.

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Old-Timey Member


Having read the comments I think the emphasis is wrong. Hicks is obviously trying to be a MLB player and struggling--there is only one answer--he needs to spend a couple of months in Rochester and get his head together and get over the struggles at the plate which he has carried into the field. If Mastro is hurt, bring up Benson until Mastro is healthy..


Any idea of a. how Benson is doing in Rochester (hint: about as well as Hicks is doing in the majors) or b. who is playing CF in Rochester these days and how he is doing?

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Guest USAFChief
To be fair, it looked like he directly addressed Hicks more professionally than his histrionic display with his bench coaches. I think it even appeared that Gardy may have been USAFChief-like when directly addressing Hicks in the dugout. And Hicks is in the starting lineup- to me (admittedly one of the biggest Gardy critics out there), that was a gentle "kick in the tail, you're better than that, now go out there and get after it" admonishment. It might even work.
Fair enough. I didn't see it that way, but I'm also am open to the possibility--extremely remote, mind you--that my current assessments of Gardy aren't exactly dispassionate. ;)
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Old-Timey Member
b. who is playing CF in Rochester these days and how he is doing?


Some nobody who's not on the 40-man. Who do the Twins drop to gain the AAAA goodness that is Clete?

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Clete has been in center most of the time, but certainly Benson could be considered. Joe is hitting just a bit over .200 with an OPS of around .600. He has been much better of late, both hitting and getting more extra base hits. I would suggest that Benson would be a better defensive center fielder than Hicks has been to date.

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Who do the Twins drop to gain the AAAA goodness that is Clete?

There's a little bit of a paradox here, isn't there? If the Twins can't swap Benson in for Hicks because Benson would be significantly worse, that would mean Benson is an epically, historically awful ballplayer.


And yet you're worried that if Thomas takes Benson's 40 spot and Hicksie is sent down, the Twins should be terrified that another team will claim the epically, historically awful Benson?


Also, if Hicks is floundering in the majors just because Gardy still has a crush on Drew Butera, then I hope there's some serious housecleaning ahead, including the GM.

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Provisional Member
What Gardy got upset about tonight was as slight as it gets. It was nothing. By itself, there was absolutely nothing that Hicks did wrong with the flip.


I don't know if I quite agree with this. It would be possible for the umps to rule he never had control of the ball. He flipped the ball so quickly that the umps could rule that. They probably wouldn't, but they could. In addition, it was a hotdog play. I think Gardy had some reason to be upset.


Also, if the cameras don't catch Gardy's reaction, it is all a non issue. Even if the cameras see Gardy talking to Hicks afterward, it wouldn't have been a big deal without everyone knowing his reaction earlier. To some degree, what happens in the dugout should be considered off limits, especially since no one actually knows what was said. It is all speculation by many who are looking for reasons to dislike Gardy even more than they do now.

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I don't see where Gardy was out of line here. I suppose it's possible he should have sat stoically in the dugout until Hicks came in & then addressed the situation but he didn't go crazy...it's just that the camera/announcers made a huge deal of the situation.


I suspect the reason he reacted that way was because this wasn't a one time incident. I recall Hicks non-chalanting routine fly balls on several occasions. He will kind of get there just in time & then "plop" his glove out to the side to make the catch. He always catches it but he sure isn't going to make a good impression...especially if you are struggling at just about every aspect of the game.


I've never heard anything negative about Hicks regarding his attitude in the minors but so far Gardy has had to get on him about hustling & now this incident. I'm a Hicks fan but I think time in AAA would be the best thing for him.

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Old-Timey Member
There's a little bit of a paradox here, isn't there? If the Twins can't swap Benson in for Hicks because Benson would be significantly worse, that would mean Benson is an epically, historically awful ballplayer.


And yet you're worried that if Thomas takes Benson's 40 spot and Hicksie is sent down, the Twins should be terrified that another team will claim the epically, historically awful Benson?


I was too terse in an attempt at humor combined with a serious point. I believe in most cases the 40-man is what the GM plans to operate with for the season. The non-40-man guys are there to be added in case of a 60-day injury. Clete's off to a good start, but I will be really surprised if he is called up and someone is dropped from the 40-man, unless in combination with a trade that frees up a spot (Hammer for non-roster prospect, say).

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OK... Hicks didn't get under the ball and he casually flipped it.


Gardy is letting him know that wasn't acceptable.


It doesn't mean that Gardy doesn't like him or thinks he has no future.


When my oldest son was 5 years old... He was hot dogging it once and he stuck the curved handle of an umbrella in his mouth. It got stuck and an ambulance had to be called.


My wife and I asked him not to do that again. He's in college now and doing OK.


We didn't give up on him after the incident and swap him out for another child.


Although he did run into a mirror at full speed because he thought it was another room at age 6.


I could see him thinking that the mirror was another room but you'd think he would've tried to avoid hitting the other child coming straight at him in the mirror.


Did I mention he's in college now.


And at age 7 he...

age 8

Age 9 and so forth.

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