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Twins Seek to Bolster Attendance Through Bargain Ticket Deals

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Actively putting the best team you can on the field and showing the fans that you ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO WIN is the only gimmick you need to get people in the seats.  It's guaranteed to work every single time the owners try it.  Paying $4.00 to watch the twins get their @$$es handed to them and to watch a future HOF'er get pulled early while pitching a perfect game is still a loss and a waste of time.  

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  On 4/14/2022 at 1:36 AM, wsnydes said:

I can't find the link, but the name of the game these days is to get people in the gate and let them spend the money on concessions and merch.  The gate isn't the primary source of income anymore, the concessions and merch are.  At least at the ballpark anyway.  So, they can take the hit on tickets and easily make it up on $16 beers.  The trick is to get you in the door.


I believe the slogan was, “Give away the razors; sell the blades.”

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  On 4/14/2022 at 9:58 PM, KnoblauchWasFramed said:

Actively putting the best team you can on the field and showing the fans that you ARE ACTUALLY TRYING TO WIN is the only gimmick you need to get people in the seats.  It's guaranteed to work every single time the owners try it.  Paying $4.00 to watch the twins get their @$$es handed to them and to watch a future HOF'er get pulled early while pitching a perfect game is still a loss and a waste of time.  


Winning no doubt influences attendance but if this was true, they wouldn't bother with the myriad of things they do for the "fan experience".  The relative merit of the "product" is a product of the entire experience for a large percentage of fans.  As long as a few teams have the ability to spend literally twice as much on players, small and mid market teams are going to be at a disadvantage and therefore get their asses handed to them at times.

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  On 4/14/2022 at 2:14 PM, kenbuddha said:

I imagine after Babe Ruth hit more HRs in a single season than many teams did and other teams started adding power hitters many people lamented the fact that no one was putting the ball in play any more. Power hitters are ruining the game! The statheads of the day just ruined it for everyone who loved station to station rounders. Ye statheads shall rejoiceth!


You miss the truth of this era - Ruth did not just hit HRs and strike out.  His career line is 342/474/690/1.164


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  On 4/14/2022 at 4:14 PM, Otto von Ballpark said:

Looks like each $4 ticket bought online had a $2 fee added, plus another $4 fee added to each order. Not sure about the per-ticket fee on the $25 ones (it appears the normal per-ticket fee is $4.25+ -- guess it was hard to charge that for a $4 ticket :)).

So a single ticket would have cost $10 after fees, and a single order of 4 tickets would have cost $28.

Not sure if this particular promotion was also available at the Target Field box office, but that would have been a way (albeit inconvenient for most) to avoid the fees.



No fees at Target Field box office when I bought $4 tickets to five different day games throughout the season on Tuesday while attending the Dodgers game. Will it reach the point where teams just give up the illusion of charging 'big bucks' for good seats? All of the home games so far this season you could have purchased the cheapest seat in the park and easily found a lower level expensive seat with no issues. The $4 deal makes me question whether I want to renew my 20 game flex package for 2023 at $25 pet seat. Heck, if they are just giving the farm away why be a loyal season ticket holder in the upper deck? 

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  On 4/14/2022 at 9:26 PM, DJL44 said:

I've never had a problem with the selection of beverages but the prices are crazy high.


One of my past cheat codes was that if you signed up at the Designated Driver booth, you'd get a coupon for a free pop. They still have the two booths, one in lower level outfield and the other in upper deck down the third baseline, but they don't give you the pop coupon anymore- it just enters you in a drawing. I just bring a water bottle with me- those prices are too wild 

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  On 4/14/2022 at 5:19 PM, Blyleven2011 said:

I disagree with this take ,,,

The twins could do alot more to create  interest in their team in drawing fans ..

Educate the tots to a Harmon killebrew day , a rod carew day , Tony Oliva day , Puckett day , Blyleven day , a kaat day  .... our hof honorees 

The kids would get the to know the legends on the history of twins players  and the dads and grandfather's  would love it too ...



I can only speak for myself, but as a relatively new, relatively young fan, I'm pretty confident that before I started getting into baseball, a history lesson about a past player who I'd never heard of from a sport I didn't really care about would not have piqued my interest in going to Target Field. Now that I understand and appreciate the game, I'm starting to take some interest in its history, but I think people need to learn to love the game's present before the game's past means anything to them.

What did get me in the door?

-Ticket prices. I had always assumed tickets must cost a lot because I heard fans complaining constantly about ticket prices. When I found out I could get a nosebleed seat for less than $20 I wanted to go.

-Target Field. I was dragged to a game as part of a friend's bachelor party, and I realized that it felt very good to be at the ballpark. Specifically, I was surprised that even though I was in the cheap seats, I still had a great view.

-Getting invested in the players. I had heard some hype about Sano and Buxton and wanted to see them.

***But most importantly***

-In 2019 the Twins were very good.

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