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Which Player Do You Love to Hate?

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Earlier today, MLB.com released a list of each team’s fan base’s favorite nemesis -- the player who gets under their skin, who they love to hate. The guy selected for the Twins? A.J. Pierzynski.


Uh ... come again?I’m not sure what methodology they used for this article, but here’s how they led into the conversation:


“For every Major League fan base, there are certain rival players who incite an uncommon level of animosity.

Whether it’s because they consistently excel, because they’ve done something controversial or because of how they carry themselves, some players have a knack for getting under an entire fan base’s skin, and the bad blood can carry on for years or even decades.

These are the players each team's fans love to hate.”

There’s no way A.J. is the favorite nemesis of Twins fans. Maybe I’m way off base here, but I’d be surprised if any Twins fans would list him atop the opposing players who most got under their skin or who they most loved to hate.


Yes, as an opposing player with the White Sox he was obnoxious, but he provided some memorable moments during his time in Minnesota. What’s the most-recent display of late-inning postseason heroics in Twins history? This bomba by Pierzynski, which effectively sunk the Moneyball Oakland A’s in Game 5 of the 2002 ALDS:



Boo this man? More like buy this man a beer!


The A’s get an entire damn book written about them and A.J. somehow gets saddled with being labeled as the guy Twins fans love to boo? Get outta here with that junk. I love A.J. Pierzynski. There, I said it. I’ll shout it from the top of Buck Hill if I have to!!! :)


If not A.J., then who really is the player Twins fans love to hate? My answer is below, but I can’t speak on behalf of all of Twins Territory. Please let me know your favorite player to boo in the comments. Pause and think about it for a moment. We need a legit answer to this question, and what better way to settle this than an informal poll in the Twins Daily forums?






My pick: Derek Jeter

That’s right, The Captain gets no Re2pect from me. What’s to hate? The fact he was such a central figure on the Yankees during the time they authored so much Twins pain is definitely the biggest motivating factor.


It’s easy to hate the players who crush your dreams.


Jeter and the Yankees bounced the Twins from the postseason four times, and he was 20-for-57 (.351) with three home runs in the 14 playoff games he played against them. Jeets also beat up the Twins in the regular season, of course. In 604 plate appearances against Minnesota, Jeter hit .323/.384/.465 (.849).


This may seem unfair, considering it’s out of Jeter’s control, but the way he was covered his entire career was also nauseating. I think he’s the most overrated player of my lifetime. That’s not to say he wasn’t a great ballplayer, you still have to be very good to be overrated.


Still, the way the national media swooned over every little thing he did was excruciating. Among the worst defensive shortstops of his generation, Jeter still boasts five Gold Gloves to his credit thanks to writers getting it wrong.


Baseball media swooned over everything he did. Everything he did made me wanna vomit.


But to be completely honest, had Jeter played for another team he probably wouldn’t even crack my top-50 most hated players. The fact that he’s smothered in Yankee scum has so much to do with why I loved rooting against him.


But, again, I can’t speak on behalf of Twins Territory. There’s no shortage of other options out there, who’s the player you love to hate?



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Anyone who played for the Yankees. There, I said it for all of us. :)


In all seriousness, Jeter was a good ballplayer, but I agree he was very overrated. But, Yankee, east coast bias, etc.


This goes back a few years but the guy I "hated" was Ricky Henderson. Hits, HR, SB, he just seemed to torment the Twins. Of course, he seemed to do that to everyone else too. I also didn't care for his attitude.

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Hmmm, I really don’t hate anyone. Dislike maybe, but hate? Maybe the Yankees, in general, but no one specific. AJ had his moments. There was the nose thumbing mock that he did one game. At one time maybe A-Rod, but man, he’s become a really decent commentator.


Eh, too much lately going around to think about who I hate, even in terms of loving to hate.


I miss baseball.

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Hmmm, I really don’t hate anyone. Dislike maybe, but hate? Maybe the Yankees, in general, but no one specific. AJ had his moments. There was the nose thumbing mock that he did one game. At one time maybe A-Rod, but man, he’s become a really decent commentator.

Eh, too much lately going around to think about who I hate, even in terms of loving to hate.

I miss baseball.

admittedly... hate is a strong word.

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Current pick: Yoán Moncada. He will be a Twins nemesis for many years and I’m already starting to hate him. White Sox filth. Makes me sick.

He's kinda a swaggy dude too. That's always a lot more fun when they're on your team.



A.J. was my first thought when I saw the title to the thread, but I am fine with Jeter. And I am not sure that hate is the right word, but I cannot think of a better one at the moment.

It's baseball hate, not big Hate.



I have to agree that AJ is more on my favorites list rather than hated list.

Thank you! I knew I wouldn't be the only one.



Anyone who played for the Yankees. There, I said it for all of us. :) I




DiDi would be my recent pick. Maybe Paul Konerko from back in the day a bit. I don't really hate the man, I just seem to remember him always coming through against the Twins and being really frustrated by him.

Good call on Konerko. Nothing really rubbed me the wrong way about him, either, but he was a great player on a division rival, so the shoe fits. Man, he was with the White Sox for 16 years!? Wow.



I like the Jeter pick...


In general anyone on the White Sox...


In football, Tom Brady or Aaron Rodgers.

What's football? ;)



Hmmm, I really don’t hate anyone. Dislike maybe, but hate? Maybe the Yankees, in general, but no one specific. AJ had his moments. There was the nose thumbing mock that he did one game. At one time maybe A-Rod, but man, he’s become a really decent commentator.

Eh, too much lately going around to think about who I hate, even in terms of loving to hate.

I miss baseball.

A-Rod was my runner up to Jeter, mainly because he was both really good and a Yankee.


He is a very solid broadcaster, but it's still weird to me he's so embedded in the game. The league seems a lot more embarrassed of some of the other guys from the steroid era, some of whom were never even suspended.


I'll be curious to see what kind of support he gets once eligible for the Hall of Fame.

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A.J was a legit pick. The guy acted like a horse's patooty. Don't hate Jeter because he roasted our Twinkies for all those years. He was the epitome of class. Even though the Twins beat the Cardinals in the 1987 World Series, Ozzie Smith always annoyed me to aggravation.

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As SQUIRREL said, I don't really hate any opposing player, not like Al Secord for those of us of a certain age who were North Stars fans, but if I have to choose one player it would be either AJ or CC Sabathia.

In AJ's case, I remember him spiking our first baseman once. (Mientkiewicz I think.) I was told that Ozzie Guillen said about him, "If he's not on your team you hate him. If he's on your team you hate him less." I also heard third-hand a story about his behavior in an off-field situation which I will not relate here.

Regarding Sabathia, I seem to remember him purposely hitting at least two of our players when he was with Cleveland. I think he broke Morneau's wrist or something, didn't he?

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In AJ's case, I remember him spiking our first baseman once. (Mientkiewicz I think.) I was told that Ozzie Guillen said about him, "If he's not on your team you hate him. If he's on your team you hate him less." I also heard third-hand a story about his behavior in an off-field situation which I will not relate here.

Regarding Sabathia, I seem to remember him purposely hitting at least two of our players when he was with Cleveland. I think he broke Morneau's wrist or something, didn't he?

That was a beautiful quote.  AJ should be in the Twins HOF for his good play and for getting Nathan, Liriano and Bonzer while making room for Mauer to play. Also, great pick with Sabbathia.   Anyone that says "Man up and swing the bat" at guys that bunt and then throws at their head because he either can't or doesn't want to man up and field his own d@#$ position gets no respect from me.       David Ortiz for constantly dissing the Twins.   I thought he was a good hitter for the Twins and what he learned from them may have launched his career but all he did was throw shade.  I've never cared one way or another about the Yankees but I have always hated the White Sox.   Oddly, Crede, Konerko and Thome were guys I really liked.   Really class guys.    Didn't care for Mark Buehrle.     Maybe at the top of my list is Tommy Kerr.   He could have been really good with the Twins but instead was just a complete d()()che.

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Jeter is a good choice, and I like how you explained how overrated he was.  My choice for most despised (hated is too strong of a word for me), would be A-Rod because of his arrogance and steroid use and general *a**holeness.  Boo A.J.?  No Way!  I would cheer for A.J. when he would bat for visiting teams playing the Twins, and thank him for the haul of players we received from San Francisco for him.

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Agree w/ you as you said it`s not so much Jetter but what he represents the D..N Yankees & all the politics behind it. As Minnesotans we don`t "hate" anyone only the system that looks down on us.

Yeah, it's not any one Yankee in particular. It's the organization and their fans and their collective sense of entitlement. And the media that feed and feed off of that.


Edit: And the Red Sox and Dodgers are not far behind the Yankees. And of course we can't forget the Astros.

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I can't believe no one has said it yet. It's probably because we are the small sliver of the fan base that did not feel this way, but the correct answer is...


Joe Mauer


It makes me sad that Joe is the answer to this question, but he is. It seems the plurality of Twins fans could talk about nothing else regarding the Twins during the dog years of the 2010's except how they were terrible because of the Joe Mauer contract. How he was not worth the money, as if he took it from them himself without asking.


I have never noticed a player the Twins general fan base absolutely loves to hate.


In fact, if I sat down at a bar outside of Twins Territory and started chatting with a complete stranger about MLB history and brought up Joe Mauer, I would describe him exactly like this...


"He was one of the five best players to ever wear a Twins uniform. I loved him. Most Twins fans loved-to-hate him. I still don't really understand why."

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Since these players are retired - Knoblauch has to get the prize for the Twins.  His reception was out of bounds for Minnesota Nice.  AJ did get the boos and is a good choice because I think he liked that.  


For me it will always be the PED guys who destroyed baseballs most sacred numbers!  

And for all the Yankee haters (me too) I have to remind you that they are so universally disliked that there was a play called Damn Yankees.  



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When I saw the headline of the MLB.com article, I assumed the article would name Twins fans' favorite nemesis as either A.J. Pierzynski or Chuck Knoblauch. I'd call Pierzynski a valid choice; he is certainly my brother's most hated player.


But Derek Jeter is a great suggestion, too. As I think about it, Jeter might be the most recent player I've booed at Target Field simply for stepping into the batter's box. (Booing is not a regular part of my repertoire, but I made an exception for Jeter.)

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I think my favorite current player to hate is Lance Lynn. Dude definitely got the short end of the stick in free agency when the Twins picked him up on the cheap in 2018, but he seemed to have no interest in giving any effort or helping the team win as a result as if it was our fault. Dude gets traded to the Yankees midseason because of course and is suddenly a passable pitcher, give me a break. On top of that, he follows up that season with a season that gets him Cy Young votes in Texas. 


Fight me Lance.

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Back in the day, at the Metrohole, the best player to razz was Jose Canseco. We would shout “Steroids, Steroids ...” at him in the on-deck circle. He had denied using them at the time but it was obvious to us that he was a user. Jose would react by scowling and scanning the stands with his eyes looking for us, like he was going to come up and fight us. Of course, we’d immediately shut up and look innocent. Then, when he looked down to continue his warm up, we’d resume our chant and he the would again scan the stands angrily. His complete lack of awareness that he was fueling the chants makes Jose the greatest “love to hate” player of all time.

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To risk opening this rat's nest again: Trevor Bauer.


On a purely "because they're rivals" level:

Today: Aaron Judge, Aaron Hicks

2000-2010s: Jermaine Dye (similar reason as others naming Konerko)

early '90s: Wade Boggs (because Gaetti was my favorite player and he was always second in all-star votes)

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Easy one - Ron Davis.  I think at one point he was tied for most blown saves in a season.  Opposing teams must have loved him.  In 1984 he managed to lose games in creative ways too.  I remember one game when a thunderstorm partially deflated the Dome.  The Twins were sailing along with a huge lead.  Davis was either already pitching before the interruption or came in after the Dome re-inflated.  Doesn't matter.  After the game continued he managed to totally blow the huge lead we had and the Twins lost.  What matters more - Davis was my 8 year old daughter's favorite player.  She stoically watched him until he gave up enough runs for the Twins to lose the lead.  Then she cried.  And he became my least liked player forever.

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