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POTUS Donald Trump


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There is some speculation that this might be a pretty messy break-up.  With two such mature, above-board, people of moral character, that seems unlikely.

He says he is going back to Breitbart and going to war FOR Trump.

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Bannon 2020.  That's my take. He can claim that he's seen things from the inside and knows how to fix things once and for all.


I mean that would have to be the last straw for the Republican Party as we know it right? Not for the die hard Trump/White Nationalist supporters, but for the base voters who only voted Trump because they thought they couldn't live with themselves if they voted for a Democrat.


Most Republicans aren't going to identify with Facsists, Nazis and segregation right? Right?

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Most Republicans aren't going to identify with Facsists, Nazis and segregation right? Right?


The fact that a question like this is no longer necessarily completely made in jest or satire is kind of sad.


I guessing he is probably joking in this picture, but if anyone is arrogant enough to think he retinas are bigly strong and can handle an eclipse it would be President he who should not be named.  Because no one has better retinas than him.



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So Trump went full-on crazy in AZ last night. Attacked both GOP senators, promised to pardon Arpaio (who is one of the more disgusting people in the country), blamed the media for everything and seemed to claim he was the victim in Charlottesville.


It was so bad that James Clapper - who served both Dems and Republicans - said he's unfit for office.


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He reread his initial Charlottesville statement -- saying there was nothing wrong with it, but failed to repeat the ad-lib "both sides", so he is bascically rewriting recent history - and again Charlottesville is all about his hurt feelings.


He claimed CNN cut off his feed, when they did not (although maybe they should have),


He insulted McCain who is currently going through treatment for a brain surgery - although he was too much of coward to mention him by name.    Also went after Flake.  Not necessarily a huge fan of Flake, but Trump tries to bully anyone who dates question him even if the person agrees with him 95% of the time.  He wants total loyalty and subservience.


He said there were not many protesters outside, when there were enough that the fine AZ police felt the need to gas them and shoot them with rubber bullet.


He worked the crowd up regarding the media further emphasizing that the media (who was in the room with him) is their enemy and is further villifying any one who opposes or even criticizes him as violet extremists.  He is stirring things up so future violence is almost a sure-thing.  One reporter mentioned there was a little girl booing wearing a fourth grade press pass.  It is also only a matter of time before someone in the media gets physically assaulted.


And of course he is going to pardon the racist sheriff because he no longer can even pretend he is not a racist, evil, petty, arrogant, ignorant, vindictive, blight on the country.

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He literally said last night that clean coal is coal that is mined and then they clean it.


And I love his threat of shutting down the government unless he gets funding for the wall. That will just make Ryan and McConnell say "Lol, no" and they willput together a budget with enough votes to override any veto.

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He reread his initial Charlottesville statement -- saying there was nothing wrong with it, but failed to repeat the ad-lib "both sides", so he is bascically rewriting recent history - and again Charlottesville is all about his hurt feelings.


He claimed CNN cut off his feed, when they did not (although maybe they should have),


He insulted McCain who is currently going through treatment for a brain surgery - although he was too much of coward to mention him by name.    Also went after Flake.  Not necessarily a huge fan of Flake, but Trump tries to bully anyone who dates question him even if the person agrees with him 95% of the time.  He wants total loyalty and subservience.


He said there were not many protesters outside, when there were enough that the fine AZ police felt the need to gas them and shoot them with rubber bullet.


He worked the crowd up regarding the media further emphasizing that the media (who was in the room with him) is their enemy and is further villifying any one who opposes or even criticizes him as violet extremists.  He is stirring things up so future violence is almost a sure-thing.  One reporter mentioned there was a little girl booing wearing a fourth grade press pass.  It is also only a matter of time before someone in the media gets physically assaulted.


And of course he is going to pardon the racist sheriff because he no longer can even pretend he is not a racist, evil, petty, arrogant, ignorant, vindictive, blight on the country.

To be fair, the sitting GOP Congressman from Montana already took care of that.

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To be fair, the sitting GOP Congressman from Montana already took care of that.


That is right - I was thinking something had happened previously, but could not remember the details.  


They are playing audio from Hillary's thoughts when Trump kept following her during one of the debates.  I remember thinking it was creepy and unsettling that this man was running for President at the time, and would have sunk anyone else.  Sadly, I had forgotten about it, because there has been so much almost every single day that I cannot keep track of it all.  It is amazing how he manages to come up with new ways to hit a new low.

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yeah, they should have just used the Hurricane as cover to do two very controversial, hate inspired things.




Oh wait, Trump already did that.

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The part of me I don't like kind of wants to tell TX that the free market will handle this just fine......it bothers me greatly that people are willing to take government help when they need it, but vote to deny it to others. Here in Oregon, there are whole counties with huge financial issues, because they used to fund their government from checks they got for logging on government land. In other words, socialism. Now these are the same people that complain about other people getting handouts, and they don't even understand that that is how they lived for so long.....but I could never deny people help, just because they are self-centered and lack empathy. 

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yeah, they should have just used the Hurricane as cover to do two very controversial, hate inspired things.




Oh wait, Trump already did that.

That is just an ordinary day for Trump. I wonder if MSN is also politicizing it, by raising the question of whether Trump did those things because the hurricane would provide cover. In any case the MSN article is not anywhere near as political as the CNN article imo.
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Trump did not pardon Arpaio during the hurricane for political reasons - he did it for ratings:


Trump says he pardoned Arpaio as Harvey hit Texas because "I assumed the ratings would be far higher than they would be normally." (via CBS).  He really has no shame ...or soul.


Also during this same press conference could not tell two blonde female Finnish reporters apart.  Of course he could be a little preoccupied by the latest e-mails that came out about potential business dealings with a Moscow Trump Tower that occurred after the campaign started.

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Trump did not pardon Arpaio during the hurricane for political reasons - he did it for ratings:


Trump says he pardoned Arpaio as Harvey hit Texas because "I assumed the ratings would be far higher than they would be normally." (via CBS).  He really has no shame ...or soul.


I stand corrected. 


"Ratings" is what he calls it.

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The part of me I don't like kind of wants to tell TX that the free market will handle this just fine......it bothers me greatly that people are willing to take government help when they need it, but vote to deny it to others. Here in Oregon, there are whole counties with huge financial issues, because they used to fund their government from checks they got for logging on government land. In other words, socialism. Now these are the same people that complain about other people getting handouts, and they don't even understand that that is how they lived for so long.....but I could never deny people help, just because they are self-centered and lack empathy. 


In my neck of the woods it's the farmers who have co-ops for both agriculture and energy and rely on the government to fix crop prices. Heck, there are government programs that at times pays them NOT to farm. ND even has a state bank, the only one in the nation. 


But it's only Socialism if someone else is getting it, and at that point it's quite possibly the worst thing in the world.

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Oh boy. Trump is going to be in my city this week. He's going to make sure storm relief efforts are going to be "better than ever before"


You know what would be cool is if you went on to his webpage and ordered one of those new official USA 45 baseball hats that he has been subtly plugging by wearing through this entire hurricane ordeal, even when he is pictured alone in a meeting room, so you could wear it when you go cheer him.  

They are only $40, and your money will go to his legal defense, I mean his 2020 campaign. You know he will be looking at crowd size where ever he speaks.



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In my neck of the woods it's the farmers who have co-ops for both agriculture and energy and rely on the government to fix crop prices. Heck, there are government programs that at times pays them NOT to farm. ND even has a state bank, the only one in the nation.


But it's only Socialism if someone else is getting it, and at that point it's quite possibly the worst thing in the world.

To take it a step further, Houston is now a sanctuary city due to the displacement the floods have caused.

Funny how "compassion" was a dirty word when Obama discussed illegal immigrants.

Hypocrisy is rampant.

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Also, Ted Cruz voted against Hurricane Sandy relief, and I'm sure his base loved it.

I wonder how he'll vote when it comes to Harvey relief, and how his base feels now that they are the ones devastated and in need of federal relief?

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