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Still silent on white supremacists but one of his tweets was to attack Ken Frasier, a black CEO who left Trump's manufacturing council, because of Trump's non-response to Charlottesville.


This means he is not silent. He is siding with the bigots.

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The internet is helping rally these people.


But ultimately it's going to be their undoing. Good luck in your job interview next decade after posting this hate speech online and being on video supporting White Nationalists. Lucky for our past generations that Facebook wasn't around during the Civil Rights movement.


Not trying to be some pie-in-the-sky optimist; it's just that while this is some terrible, terrible stuff, I have a hard time believing it's worse than the Civil Rights protests and SLA and Weather Underground kind of stuff from the 60's-70's or the Facsist/Anarchist/Galleanist violence of the early 1900's. The most recent generations (me included) just haven't seen this kind of thing here at home before. At least now we have a tool to shame and make an example out of these people once we ultimately come to our senses. Which we all will.

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Wow. This event, the response by sympathizers, and the spin by Trump... Is honestly worse than I ever imagined. Seriously. This is presidency is worse than I thought it would be. I thought it would be horrible and it's worse. I really hope he goes down as the worst President of my lifetime, not sure what I'd do if we had someone worse than him come about.

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He is in a spiral to the bottom though. You are probably right about how he is trying to manipulate the media, and I agree much of the "advice" given is not beneficial for him, but all indications are that he's inching down in polls, the strongly supporting are dropping and the strongly opposing are rising.

Can you point me to the poll(s) showing this to be the case?

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Can you point me to the poll(s) showing this to be the case?


Overall: https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/trump-approval-ratings/


Strong approve/disprove: http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/trump_administration/prez_track_aug14


Look at trend lines, the day to day noise means little.

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Alright in the 2nd link there's a link to the poll's dataset going back to the inauguration, which breaks down into "strongly approve," ie. support from his base. That chart looks like this:




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I'm really interested in the size of the base, not overall nationwide approval, because it gets back to this question of where is the outrage? And, how bad would things have to get for Trump's base to actually turn on him.


I suppose there are a couple ways to look at that trendline. On one hand the strongly approve got to a new low on August 3 (23%). On the other hand it's been stuck in a pretty tight channel since March, between 23% and 31%.


Worth noting too, on the 538 polls the projections for approval and disapproval are to revert towards 50%.

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I'm really interested in the size of the base, not overall nationwide approval, because it gets back to this question of where is the outrage? And, how bad would things have to get for Trump's base to actually turn on him.


I suppose there are a couple ways to look at that trendline. On one hand the strongly approve got to a new low on August 3 (23%). On the other hand it's been stuck in a pretty tight channel since March, between 23% and 31%.


Worth noting too, on the 538 polls the projections for approval and disapproval are to revert towards 50%.


I don't think it's a projection for 538, I think it is more an error bar over a time range. I don't think they do projections at all.


It is a good question about the total size of the unmovable base, that is a difficult question to answer. I suspect 25% is about right, but even that can slowly chip away. There are going to be dead enders for almost anything. There is a significant percentage of people that like what he is doing and what is happening!

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I am not sure what is more disturbing, that he is president and what he said today (and has dog whistled for a long time) or if you go look at the internet how many people thing what he said was great and these groups feeling validated and more emboldened. 


The fact that he got elected, with these traits largely on display during the campaign, is depressing.

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Just getting caught up watching the full video of that "press conference". What a freaking joke. He was so combative, wanting to pick fights with the press, his critics, and America in general.... This is not a mentally stable human being. And not even close to how a President should act. This is surreal. 

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Mitt Romney had a couple strong tweets. I didn't vote for him but I always liked him.  I thought he was a solid moderate republican who had to "go right" to win the nomination but was much more rationale. I wish the republican party was more Romney and less McConnell.



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Romney's statements stand on their own, but there is a reason the Mormon and Jewish (and racial minority) conservatives are especially vocal. And good gor them.


If any good can come from this, hopefully Republicans and finally and fully repudiate this strain. But it won't be easy.

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The man is pure evil. Hitler reborn. It is rooted in him, thrives in him. He is evil. That is the only word to completely describe him. Evil.


And here I thought Russia and Nazis didn't get along.


But seriously, I can't believe he actually said there were some "fine people" who attended the KKK rally that started the whole riot. 

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But seriously, I can't believe he actually said there were some "fine people" who attended the KKK rally that started the whole riot. 


Yes - look at the video ChiTown posted on the previous page - it is chilling.  These were not "fine people".


The horror of his appeasing the white supremacists and Nazis aside, he is narcissist he still had to praise himself even while discussing this by bragging how Heather Heyer's Mother thanked him for his statement.  He actually made the death of her daughter about him.  


Throughout this whole domestic crisis he has be tweeting or retweeting tweets that praise him - usually by Fox New or by someone who is a known extreme right-winger.  


He has no empathy, he has no shame, and he has no soul.

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