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POTUS Donald Trump


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Putting words in someone else's mouth is a standard tool in satire, and is valid in that context; but when the cues are taken away it becomes just Fake News, and I'm not a fan of that whichever side of the debate it comes from.

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The Orange ******* is ruining this country. Fake news and memes can eat my excrement.


This doofus is ruining everything or trying to ruin every sane persons ways of things to how they should transpire. We are suppose to be evolving, not turning into primordial sludge.


It's gut check time for those who care. It's time to look in the mirror and be happy with the face you see and your moral outcome. I have to do the same thing myself.


Whether you are rich, in between, or poor, people need to take it to the streets and poignantly make it known that Trump is an imbecile and has no right being the commander in chief. We need to stop this A-hole.


The Republicans will placate this POS and the Democrats are not much better.


The house we live in is infested with cockroaches, termites, plagues, and so much more.


We need to burn it down, rebuild and start anew.

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The Orange ******* is ruining this country. Fake news and memes can eat my excrement.


This doofus is ruining everything or trying to ruin every sane persons ways of things to how they should transpire. We are suppose to be evolving, not turning into primordial sludge.


It's gut check time for those who care. It's time to look in the mirror and be happy with the face you see and your moral outcome. I have to do the same thing myself.


Whether you are rich, in between, or poor, people need to take it to the streets and poignantly make it known that Trump is an imbecile and has no right being the commander in chief. We need to stop this A-hole.


The Republicans will placate this POS and the Democrats are not much better.


The house we live in is infested with cockroaches, termites, plagues, and so much more.


We need to burn it down, rebuild and start anew.


I was thinking about this today, what can I actually do? I don't know yet, but sitting here typing angry notes on a baseball site isn't enough....

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I was thinking about this today, what can I actually do? I don't know yet, but sitting here typing angry notes on a baseball site isn't enough....


I know - I have spent the last 24 hours downing one cup of Covfefe after another, but that is not really productive.


It does not help that the majority party is trying to see how long they can turn a blind eye because they want to get their agenda passed.

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I was thinking about this today, what can I actually do? I don't know yet, but sitting here typing angry notes on a baseball site isn't enough....

I have the same thoughts as you. I am sorting it out myself. I needed to vent, it is too much and it spills out. I never envisioned being in a country governed by a person like this guy.

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Feel free to delete it if you want.

Not at all. I just think it's important to keep in mind that when something out there is "too perfect", like an emerging revolt against Trump by corporate America (southern corporations, at that), it probably is.


BTW +1 to Bark for his 'shoop.

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I thought Josh Marshall's analysis on what, in part, motivated Trump to ditch the Paris Agreement, was pretty spot on.  

Trump is scared. He’s entering a a widening gyre of political crisis over Russia. He’s scared and he’s angry and he needs friends. So he’s more and more likely to hug his base – both the most aggressive advisors and the most committed supporters. He’s trying to bring back Corey Lewandowski, his wildest and most troubling-driving advisor who has the unshakable loyalty and lickspittledom Trump now requires. Indeed, we can take it as a given that as the Russia scandal crisis deepens Trump will become more aggressive and more extreme in his policies both to maintain his emotional equilibrium and reinforce his backing from a shrinking base of supporters. This is as certain as night follows day.


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Those black clouds must have parted to let let the sunshine in. Holy ****!

(If it wasn't clear) I meant for Trump.  I see a serious of desperate and more desperate acts.  


I think we are getting pretty close to the moment in the movie where the bad guy, bloody and battered, against an indefensible position, throws his last grenade, which careens off a wall and back into his hands. 

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I don't think so pseudo. I think this is going to get worse and uglier before there is clarity. As more and more advisors and cabinet members become investigated, his true base will be emboldened. They didn't blink when he admitted sexual assault against women, no way they believe anything negative they hear.


This isn't getting better. As long as some of these people are alive, facts don't matter. Trump and the gop will be shown for who they are to some, but to others, even smart people, get lost in the propaganda.


I almost think things are bound to get really nasty. I mean, bombings of media outlets, assassination attempts, utter chaos. This was Russia's goal, and they are winning. Its really unbelievable to me, at this point I believe its up to Democrats to find a way to beat down this radical ideology we're now faced with.

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He did a bunch of retweets of all the GOP toady's who thought withdrawing from the Paris accord was a great idea.  He is so insecure and needy for praise.  He is like the spoiled child who puts his hands over his ears to anything that does not fit his view, but instead  damaging a wall by writing on it with crayon in a childish temper tantrum, he is damaging things globally for a long time.


I just heard when he was in Europe, they tried to explain the accord to him in simple terms, but he did not understand it.  Not that this has not been said 1000 times, but has there ever been anyone who was so mentally and emotionally unqualified for this job?

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I was thinking about this today, what can I actually do? I don't know yet, but sitting here typing angry notes on a baseball site isn't enough....

1. Join the ACLU. They are undefeated so far against Trump and have sued him on dozens of issues nationwide.

2. Call your local reps and make sure they know how you feel even if they are red state Republicans or deep blue dems. Many states and mayors have said they will stay in the Paris agreement.

3. Vote and make sure you tie Trump to the GOP.

4. Get involved with local people power groups or their equivalent.

5. Use social media to share facts and not just Trump bashing memes or funny articles.

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1. Join the ACLU. They are undefeated so far against Trump and have sued him on dozens of issues nationwide.

2. Call your local reps and make sure they know how you feel even if they are red state Republicans or deep blue dems. Many states and mayors have said they will stay in the Paris agreement.

3. Vote and make sure you tie Trump to the GOP.

4. Get involved with local people power groups or their equivalent.

5. Use social media to share facts and not just Trump bashing memes or funny articles.



so liberal here I look conservative, but sure


see number 2



Not sure any of that matters, frankly. As long as this nation is ruled by people that don't like knowledge....not sure how any of that matters.

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so liberal here I look conservative, but sure


see number 2



Not sure any of that matters, frankly. As long as this nation is ruled by people that don't like knowledge....not sure how any of that matters.

Well, I still think the GOP will dump Trump if his approval remains in the low 40s/high 30s but we have to keep pressing them. Gerrymandering pisses me off. There are too many safe districts (for both parties) but we should be able to win things like MN-2.

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Well, I still think the GOP will dump Trump if his approval remains in the low 40s/high 30s but we have to keep pressing them. Gerrymandering pisses me off. There are too many safe districts (for both parties) but we should be able to win things like MN-2.


Trump is just the symptom. We still have Ryan, Pence, and others who say science and smart people are bad for the world. And, voters keep voting for them.


How does the left win against decades of brainwashing that freedom and science and socialism are bad, and that faith, loyalty, and most importantly, capitalism is the way to live?

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Trump is just the symptom. We still have Ryan, Pence, and others who say science and smart people are bad for the world. And, voters keep voting for them.


How does the left win against decades of brainwashing that freedom and science and socialism are bad, and that faith, loyalty, and most importantly, capitalism is the way to live?

Well, ideas like faith, loyalty and capitalism shouldn't be only on the right. I didn't think much of HRC but I thought she sounded very genuine when she talked about two things - 1) women's rights, she's great on that issue, obviously, and 2) her faith. She didn't do it much but it seemed (at least to me) very real. I was pissed that Trump, who might very well be an atheist, seemed to get the "religious"* vote. I'm hopeful that with the Pope talking about social issues/values, the environment etc some of the religious issues will move people to the left. But I'm an optimist. (We might have an idea how the Paris thing plays out among groups in the next few weeks.)


* It also pisses me off that people who vote for Democrats aren't seen as religious. There were millions upon millions of democratic voters for whom faith is a big part of their lives who voted for Obama and Clinton etc. They just aren't (as much) this stupid born-again thing.

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Well, ideas like faith, loyalty and capitalism shouldn't be only on the right. I didn't think much of HRC but I thought she sounded very genuine when she talked about two things - 1) women's rights, she's great on that issue, obviously, and 2) her faith. She didn't do it much but it seemed (at least to me) very real. I was pissed that Trump, who might very well be an atheist, seemed to get the "religious"* vote. I'm hopeful that with the Pope talking about social issues/values, the environment etc some of the religious issues will move people to the left. But I'm an optimist. (We might have an idea how the Paris thing plays out among groups in the next few weeks.)


* It also pisses me off that people who vote for Democrats aren't seen as religious. There were millions upon millions of democratic voters for whom faith is a big part of their lives who voted for Obama and Clinton etc. They just aren't (as much) this stupid born-again thing.


I knew that was sloppy writing when I re-read it, but it was too late to edit. It certainly was not my intent to imply that there are not religious lefties, I know a lot of them. I think when I typed "faith" there, I was really talking about willingness to believe in things, despite evidence to the contrary, but it was also short hand for the religious right, which has worked very hard to influence their flock. I guess this is my day to say sorry on this site.....

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I knew that was sloppy writing when I re-read it, but it was too late to edit. It certainly was not my intent to imply that there are not religious lefties, I know a lot of them. I think when I typed "faith" there, I was really talking about willingness to believe in things, despite evidence to the contrary, but it was also short hand for the religious right, which has worked very hard to influence their flock. I guess this is my day to say sorry on this site.....

I often use the word 'gullible' to describe what you said there. Although I admit sometimes I mean 'chump.'

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This country will continue to get worse until they get rid of the Snake Oil Salesmen and embrace critical thinkers of all persuasions.

The arrival of the A.I. Singularity may just take care of that.

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 this stupid born-again thing.

We don't moderate this part of the site as strictly as other parts, but this jumped out at me as being unhelpful to open discussion among friends.

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