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Republican lawmakers joined their Democratic colleagues in seeking additional White House information, including records such as tapes or recordings, to assist their investigations.


White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer declined multiple times Monday to say whether the president would cooperate with Congress. Lawmakers have asked for information about whether Trump has a taping system and used it to capture conversations without the knowledge of others since his inauguration. "The president has nothing further on that," Spicer said.


Democratic lawmakers have asked the White House in writing for any tapes of Trump conversations with Comey, plus former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, who was fired Feb. 23, as well as Russians Lavrov and Kislyak.


Republican senators, reacting initially to Trump's mention of "tapes" in relation to Comey, and later to Monday's reports about the president's conversations with Russian officials, predicted any tapes or digital recordings, if they exist, are unlikely to be kept away from public scrutiny.

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Also, a memo has come out that Comey wrote after a meeting with Trump in February that says Trump asked Comey to let the Flynn  investigation go.  And he briefed senior FBI officials right after too, so this isn't a 'Comey just wrote the memo after being fired thing'

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Let's hope NLT mid June.  Best Father's Day gift ever!!!!


It's possible.  Every scandal he puts himself in shrinks his ability to deal with the next one.


But Comey is a smart dude and it looks like he really protected himself in case this happened.  Which, frankly, might be among the greatest things he or anyone else has done for this country in awhile.

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It's possible.  Every scandal he puts himself in shrinks his ability to deal with the next one.


But Comey is a smart dude and it looks like he really protected himself in case this happened.  Which, frankly, might be among the greatest things he or anyone else has done for this country in awhile.

Comey isn't much of a politician, but I don't think his motivations were ever anything other than doing his lawful duty.

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The NBC report on Comey memo really seems to suggest that the GOP is abandoning Trump.

I'll believe it when I see it. Republicans have shown loyalty to party over country throughout the Obama administration and for the four months of Trump's term.

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I'll believe it when I see it. Republicans have shown loyalty to party over country throughout the Obama administration and for the four months of Trump's term.


Chaffetz has been one of the most loyal hounds and he's issuing subpoenas/requests.  So, that's something I guess.

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Provisional Member

Republicans now stuck between going down hard with Trump or impeaching him and watching him tour the nation imploring people not to vote for them. Screwed either way. Well deserved, might as well do the right thing.

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Old-Timey Member

He will resign before he makes it a year.

I hope so.


I took those odds at 8:1 right before infatuation day.


Would be a nice $2,400 payout, and even more important, no more trump!!!!!!

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Community Moderator


I hope so.

I took those odds at 8:1 right before infatuation day.

Would be a nice $2,400 payout, and even more important, no more trump!!!!!!

Are there odds yet for Pence versus Ryan?

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Here's the AP account of Republican reaction via Yahoo:



We've seen how this guy acts and talks as president for almost four months, yet the response from Republicans is muted at best.


No, I don't trust that Republicans will put their country first despite more than enough evidence that there was obstruction of justice.

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Admittedly, this is funny in an "oh, ****" way but I still laughed.


"National Security Council officials have strategically included Trump's name in 'as many paragraphs as we can because he keeps reading if he's mentioned,' according to one source, who relayed conversations he had with NSC officials."



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Admittedly, this is funny in an "oh, ****" way but I still laughed.


"National Security Council officials have strategically included Trump's name in 'as many paragraphs as we can because he keeps reading if he's mentioned,' according to one source, who relayed conversations he had with NSC officials."



Ell Oh Ell. The smartest guy in the room keeps getting played, by one player after another.

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Copied from a Facebook thread:


"Amen the Obama Administration who was the worst we've ever had and in hitlery and her business and yet nothing was ever done nothing was ever investigated about these people until the end with Hillary but everything else that Obama did over the years broke the Constitution repeatedly almost daily and nothing was ever done the media covers for the Democrats Republicans never get a fair Shake in the media "

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Copied from a Facebook thread:

"Amen the Obama Administration who was the worst we've ever had and in hitlery and her business and yet nothing was ever done nothing was ever investigated about these people until the end with Hillary but everything else that Obama did over the years broke the Constitution repeatedly almost daily and nothing was ever done the media covers for the Democrats Republicans never get a fair Shake in the media "


It's amazing to me just how quickly and thoroughly Republicans have abandoned both ideology and country in the name of party.  It's astounding.

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Copied from a Facebook thread:

"Amen the Obama Administration who was the worst we've ever had and in hitlery and her business and yet nothing was ever done nothing was ever investigated about these people until the end with Hillary but everything else that Obama did over the years broke the Constitution repeatedly almost daily and nothing was ever done the media covers for the Democrats Republicans never get a fair Shake in the media "

Did you forget to copy the grammar? 


I went to Brietbart last night to see how they were dealing with it and it was pretty bad.  More anonymous leaks, MSM agenda, libtards, Comey incompetent. etc.  I think Trump might never get an approval rate lower than 30% no matter what he does.

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Did you forget to copy the grammar? 


I went to Brietbart last night to see how they were dealing with it and it was pretty bad.  More anonymous leaks, MSM agenda, libtards, Comey incompetent. etc.  I think Trump might never get an approval rate lower than 30% no matter what he does.

"Republicans never get a fair Shake"


It's also nice to see the German capitalization of common nouns is still in vogue among the fascist right. I figured that was just for the campaign, but guess not.

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Did you forget to copy the grammar? 


I went to Brietbart last night to see how they were dealing with it and it was pretty bad.  More anonymous leaks, MSM agenda, libtards, Comey incompetent. etc.  I think Trump might never get an approval rate lower than 30% no matter what he does.


This may sound odd, and I hate to admit giving them clicks, but I've found Breitbart is almost an essential place to check in to from time to time.


Fox News is bad, but they look like playful kittens next to the frothing-at-the-mouth badger that is Breitbart.

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Level headed, thoughtful, completely sane Sheriff David Clarke is joining Trump's administration as assistant secretary in the Department of Homeland, so it looks like Trump is righting the course to be more moderate.




Apparently Clarke traveled to Moscow in 2015 as part of a National Rifle Association delegation, where he met with a deputy of President Vladimir Putin, so at least Trump is consistent in trying to make sure everyone has some sort of Russian tie.



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Level headed, thoughtful, completely sane Sheriff David Clarke is joining Trump's administration as assistant secretary in the Department of Homeland, so it looks like Trump is righting the course to be more moderate.




Apparently Clarke traveled to Moscow in 2015 as part of a National Rifle Association delegation, where he met with a deputy of President Vladimir Putin, so at least Trump is consistent in trying to make sure everyone has some sort of Russian tie.




Let freedom ring!


Oh, the irony. The great, great irony.

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Provisional Member

So now we have a special prosecutor and apparently before the election the House Majority Leader "joked" that Trump was being paid by Putin.


What will tomorrow bring. It if wasn't doing such damage to country this would be unbelievably entertaining.

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Level headed, thoughtful, completely sane Sheriff David Clarke

This didn't sound quite right so I refreshed my memory with a Google search. Imagine my surprise to discover that today is not Opposites Day*.


* Can't explain right now, check again tomorrow maybe.



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