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POTUS Donald Trump


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Don't worry - I think he has assigned Jared to take care of that problem, so it is in good hands.


The Republicans really do need to stop pretending their is a competent adult in the White House and put the long term good of the country (world) in front of the agenda they are trying to get through before Trump completely goes insane.

Your false assumption is that other Republicans in Congress are competent adults.
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Old-Timey Member


Your false assumption is that other Republicans in Congress are competent adults.

I think there are enough that are adults.

They barely passed the ACA repeal, you only need the moderates to turn against Trump once the smoking gun is revealed.

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I think there are enough that are adults.

They barely passed the ACA repeal, you only need the moderates to turn against Trump once the smoking gun is revealed.

Probably, but I took Erik Paulson (House rep western suburbs) to be a moderate until he voted yes like all the other freaks.
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A reporter was arrested for repeatedly asking Health Secretary Tom Price about the health bill the House passed last week.


You have citizens getting arrested for laughing at blatant lies during confirmation hearings (thought laughing was legal and lying to congress was illegal, but I guess I was wrong). The America we knew before Trump took office is no more.

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Here's the Post story Jimmer was alluding to: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/05/10/west-virginia-journalist-arrested-after-asking-hhs-secretary-tom-price-a-question/?utm_term=.23806710e82f


"Heyman “was causing a disturbance by yelling questions at Ms. Conway and Secretary Price,” the complaint stated." .....  The American Civil Liberties Union of West Virginia said in a statement that Heyman’s arrest constituted “a blatant attempt to chill an independent, free press.” It called the charges against Heyman “outrageous” and demanded they be dropped immediately.

“This is a dangerous time in our country,” the statement read. “Freedom of the press is being eroded every day.”

“Today was a dark day for democracy,” the ACLU of West Virginia added. “But the rule of law will prevail. The First Amendment will prevail.”"


Seriously, join the ACLU.

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Hey, would you believe our president is dumb enough to make decisions on fake news? You are? Shocking.




Apparently, Katie Walsh was smeared by a rival in the White House by fake news put into the Presidents daily binder. The President looked into it and, while everyone says he didn't believe it, Walsh left the White House - she was part of former RNC chairman Pribus's staff.

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So apparently Trump is 6' 3" and 236 pounds. I question the height and he hasn't seen 236 in probably 20 years. His doctor said during the campain that if elected, Trump would be the 'healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.'


Trump doesnt believe in exercise. He thinks we have a finite amount of energy. You know,like a battery.

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I don't think Trump is all that big about exercising his brain either (although he does like to run off his mouth).  It is nice he likes to share with his friends.





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Old-Timey Member


So apparently Trump is 6' 3" and 236 pounds. I question the height and he hasn't seen 236 in probably 20 years. His doctor said during the campain that if elected, Trump would be the 'healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.'

Trump doesnt believe in exercise. He thinks we have a finite amount of energy. You know,like a battery.

Trump is a pretty tall guy, I saw him in passing several years ago and he is definitely 6' 3" or close to it. (I am 6 '3") no chance in hell he is 236 pounds though, he definitely is pushing 300. There is a reason why all of his suits are loose fitting.

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Trump is a pretty tall guy, I saw him in passing several years ago and he is definitely 6' 3" or close to it. (I am 6 '3") no chance in hell he is 236 pounds though, he definitely is pushing 300. There is a reason why all of his suits are loose fitting

they have showed him standing next to people who claim to be 6'3" or an inch taller and he doesn't seem to be 6'3", but I'll take your word for it.

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Breaking News!




President Trump revealed highly classified information to the Russian foreign minister and ambassador in a White House meeting last week, according to current and former U.S. officials, who said that Trump’s disclosures jeopardized a critical source of intelligence on the Islamic State.


The information Trump relayed had been provided by a U.S. partner through an intelligence-sharing arrangement considered so sensitive that details have been withheld from allies and tightly restricted even within the U.S. government, officials said.


The partner had not given the United States permission to share the material with Russia, and officials said that Trump’s decision to do so risks cooperation from an ally that has access to the inner workings of the Islamic State. After Trump’s meeting, senior White House officials took steps to contain the damage, placing calls to the CIA and National Security Agency.


“This is code-word information,” said a U.S. official familiar with the matter, using terminology that refers to one of the highest classification levels used by American spy agencies. Trump “revealed more information to the Russian ambassador than we have shared with our own allies.”


---Later it says 'For most anyone in government discussing such matters with an adversary would be illegal. As president, Trump has broad authority to declassify government secrets, making it unlikely that his disclosures broke the law.'


Ok, But if he declassified the secrets that haven't even been shared with allies, why did his team take steps to contain the damage?

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I just saw that. Unreal. (And declassifying might be different than revealing to foreign governments. I'm pretty sure a bunch of lawyers are looking into that.)


I don't know how anyone can say he's a good president or support him. The Post fix article says his approval is at 36%. If it stays there, I think the GOP abandons him completely (unless Russia has dirt on Ryan et al when they hacked the RNC emails).

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Obviously, I had to look that up. Have you read that book? Your broad knowledge always is refreshing and confusing at times. :)

I have. In English and also partially translated from German.

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Old-Timey Member

Haha wow, this latest report. Trump clearly doesn't get it, I wonder if he legit has dementia at this point. How else could you explain him being dumb enough to drop that classified info to the Russians last week? In the midst of everything else going on

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Provisional Member


So it only took him spilling classified information to the Russians to get the Republicans to tepidly pull back support and be more vocally critical.


That's all.


Vocally critical with no action is worse than no action.

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Ignoring how bad Trump is, can you imagine what this is doing to our allies? Apparently we're in a huge "five eye" sharing system.  Would Canada or Australia trust us with information right now or do they see us as a funnel of info to Russia?  I mean, Australia's CIA equivalent has to be concerned about this to the point where he might be suggesting not sharing stuff with the US, right?  

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The Comey memo does not exactly restore my faith in the Orange one in regards of asking Comey to drop the Flynn investigation..


 Source close to Comey confirms memo, citing Trump: "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go.”

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Word is that Israel is not exactly happy with this reveal.  I wonder if a piece of McMaster's soul dies every time he has tried to justify and minimize this the last two days.


Or maybe it emboldens him to stay in the fight and be the one sane barrier we have between what we have now (embarrassment) and what it could become (outright chaos).


I for one hope he doesn't lose the faith.  We might be screwed if he does.

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