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POTUS Donald Trump


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His finesse in complicated and potentially explosive international issues is sure to keep us safe.


Donald J. Trump‏Verified account


North Korea is behaving very badly. They have been "playing" the United States for years. China has done little to help!

His language is dangerous. Everything is framed in simple binaries. Good, bad, great, sad, etc.

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I've turned mean on Facebook. I can't do it anymore. I tried reasoning with various friends and family members who support the man but now I'm just calling them names. I'm done being polite about it; they're terrible people and I'm going to let them know it.


I honestly hope more than a few of them unfriend me. This isn't an ideological difference anymore, this has clearly become a white hat vs. black hat situation. They didn't listen to my measured, reasoned, factual arguments in the past, now they can see the pure contempt I feel for them.


It's funny, I just argued with my grandparents like this yesterday.  Started measured, reasoned, factual.  I pressed the point on how much more profitable and wealthy everyone becomes when we bring the lowest up and flood the middle class with cash rather than handing the wealthy money.  Pointed out that they complain about socialism and then buy pills from Canadian pharmacies.  I hit the genetics testing, the waste in the defense budget, and on and on and it was a wall of stupidity.  I heard about how Obama hates America, the illegals ruin everything, Benghazi got name dropped about four times, and by the end of it I was told they'd "pray for me".


Only deepened my resolve to never vote Republican again.  At least for the forseeable future. 

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It's funny, I just argued with my grandparents like this yesterday.  Started measured, reasoned, factual.  I pressed the point on how much more profitable and wealthy everyone becomes when we bring the lowest up and flood the middle class with cash rather than handing the wealthy money.  Pointed out that they complain about socialism and then buy pills from Canadian pharmacies.  I hit the genetics testing, the waste in the defense budget, and on and on and it was a wall of stupidity.  I heard about how Obama hates America, the illegals ruin everything, Benghazi got name dropped about four times, and by the end of it I was told they'd "pray for me".


Only deepened my resolve to never vote Republican again.  At least for the forseeable future. 


sort of validates my thoughts that this still largely about a black man with a funny name, and brainwashing from teh right wing media...

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sort of validates my thoughts that this still largely about a black man with a funny name, and brainwashing from teh right wing media...


That's some of it.  I don't know if it's largely that or not.  The Hillary hate on that side seems even stronger than the Obama hate.

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It's funny, I just argued with my grandparents like this yesterday.  Started measured, reasoned, factual.  I pressed the point on how much more profitable and wealthy everyone becomes when we bring the lowest up and flood the middle class with cash rather than handing the wealthy money.  Pointed out that they complain about socialism and then buy pills from Canadian pharmacies.  I hit the genetics testing, the waste in the defense budget, and on and on and it was a wall of stupidity.  I heard about how Obama hates America, the illegals ruin everything, Benghazi got name dropped about four times, and by the end of it I was told they'd "pray for me".


Only deepened my resolve to never vote Republican again.  At least for the forseeable future. 

That sucks Levi. I feel for you man. I was raised by my maternal grandparents and very close with my paternal grandparents. I hold grandparents in very high esteem, without mine, my life would be very different in a much worse way.


Saying that, I am sure your grandparents are great people other than the way they view the U.S. and the social changes that have occurred over the last few decades (mainly for the good). I can only imagine how that conversation made you feel.



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My brother's life is the polar opposite of mine.  I live comfortably in the Twin Cities with a corporate job and a six figure income.  He still lives in the same small town we were raised.  He's broke, constantly worried about how he'll pay his bills next month, has a fiancée who is nothing more than an incubator, and they have two kids and want more.


He stands to lose way way more than I ever will with Donald Trump as President.  Yet if you ask him what he think of everything that has transpired in the last few months, he would say he's never been happier. 


Why is that?  Because to him, politics is like sports, where you must pick a side, and the side you choose can do no wrong, and the other side can do no right and are pure evil.  He is as Republican as it gets, and he is happy because liberals are furious over what is happening.  That is enough to assure him that things are great. 


The man's mood is literally driven by the misery of other people, people he never even interacts with.  People whom, ironically, are pissed because Donald Trump is setting out to hurt people who are unfortunate, just like him!    

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My brother's life is the polar opposite of mine.  I live comfortably in the Twin Cities with a corporate job and a six figure income.  He still lives in the same small town we were raised.  He's broke, constantly worried about how he'll pay his bills next month, has a fiancée who is nothing more than an incubator, and they have two kids and want more.


He stands to lose way way more than I ever will with Donald Trump as President.  Yet if you ask him what he think of everything that has transpired in the last few months, he would say he's never been happier. 


Why is that?  Because to him, politics is like sports, where you must pick a side, and the side you choose can do no wrong, and the other side can do no right and are pure evil.  He is as Republican as it gets, and he is happy because liberals are furious over what is happening.  That is enough to assure him that things are great. 


The man's mood is literally driven by the misery of other people, people he never even interacts with.  People whom, ironically, are pissed because Donald Trump is setting out to hurt people who are unfortunate, just like him!    


I know people like that also. I don't understand it. 

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Provisional Member

Meaningless budget proposals are one thing, but this cock up with British intelligence strikes me as a potentially big deal. Just because Trump can't take a step back and admit he made something up.

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I have to admit this POTUS Donald Trump thread has become a victim support group to me. I cannot recall anyone on this thread being a supporter of that monster.


In these uncertain and gloomy times, when fear, depression, frustration, etc. creeps in, it is great to come to a place where you can read facts, empathize with your peers, voice your frustrations and all the other stuff.


Trump's election really crushed me and changed how I view a great amount of this country. I say all of this in a bipartisan tone.


It has been a great help to me with my anxieties. I'm not trapped on an island by myself.

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Provisional Member


I have to admit this POTUS Donald Trump thread has become a victim support group to me. I cannot recall anyone on this thread being a supporter of that monster.


In these uncertain and gloomy times, when fear, depression, frustration, etc. creeps in, it is great to come to a place where you can read facts, empathize with your peers, voice your frustrations and all the other stuff.


Trump's election really crushed me and changed how I view a great amount of this country. I say all of this in a bipartisan tone.


It has been a great help to me with my anxieties. I'm not trapped on an island by myself.


I'm not there yet. I want to see the response in the midterms and 2020 election before I get too down on the rest of the country.


Desperate people not being serviced by our normal establishment politicians and deciding to turn to a con man shouldn't be a disqualifying sequence. Yet.

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I'm not there yet. I want to see the response in the midterms and 2020 election before I get too down on the rest of the country.


Desperate people not being serviced by our normal establishment politicians and deciding to turn to a con man shouldn't be a disqualifying sequence. Yet.


prepare to be disappointed. Just look at the maps of House districts, and then how people voted this year, and realize that the nation is more polarized than ever. It's not just Trump, look at the governerships and state houses......I'm telling you, people have been brainwashed for nearly 40 years now about unions, government, public funding of anything, immigrants and others....they literally teach evolution as science! Prepare to be disappointed.


LOTS of people are literally typing that cutting meals on wheels makes sense. Lots of people somehow hate Michelle Obama. Lots of people only care about themselves, and have zero empathy. *


*you know, I should have literally typed literally more....

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Provisional Member

Counterpoint: Elections in our country always go in cycles. It is much easier to rally against the President than it is to support. If Trump is not on the ballot, you may see enough of his core supporters stay home, while disgusted Republicans on the margins defect, to flip both the House and Senate. Trump's approval rating is still quite low, which correlates with midterms more than anything, and that will absolutely bleed into governor and state legislatures. Of course this would require a somewhat strategic effort from the Dems.

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Counterpoint: Elections in our country always go in cycles. It is much easier to rally against the President than it is to support. If Trump is not on the ballot, you may see enough of his core supporters stay home, while disgusted Republicans on the margins defect, to flip both the House and Senate. Trump's approval rating is still quite low, which correlates with midterms more than anything, and that will absolutely bleed into governor and state legislatures. Of course this would require a somewhat strategic effort from the Dems.


Fair, that is my hope right now.


Not sure that helps enough to turn the state governments on a better course....


edit: also, the House isn't stupid. Real changes to health care and budgets will not  take effect until December of 2018 or January of 2019, after the mid terms.....

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Snark aside, the best thing Hillary could do to help fix our politics is stay out of the spotlight. Like, forever. She has all the time and money in the world. If she genuinely cares about helping the poor, she can change her clothes, roll up her sleeves, and spend some unstructured time in the rural areas working next to people and, getting them better informed, and organizing. It's hard work and a lot of doors will slam in her face. Just my opinion. What would people think of that, or of having Hillary back in the mix?

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I'm not there yet. I want to see the response in the midterms and 2020 election before I get too down on the rest of the country.


Desperate people not being serviced by our normal establishment politicians and deciding to turn to a con man shouldn't be a disqualifying sequence. Yet.

I understand what you are saying, but being an uneducated young adult 20 years ago, and a person who got their **** together shortly after, I have seen the wasteland. I have seen the racism in these people, I have heard their vitriolic words against vulnerable minorities, I grew up in a lower middle class racist neighborhood where these grotesque ideologies were accepted.


Those were bad times, but I believe the young adults living in these situations today are much more uneducated (world wise) and strangely more technologically savvy in our modern times.


They are unable to map out common sense values, they are unable to see past themselves. These are dangerous tools that young people are using from those communities.


I have no sympathy for the impoverished, or white trash that supported Trump. Intellectual self examination is the golden key and compassion.

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Snark aside, the best thing Hillary could do to help fix our politics is stay out of the spotlight. Like, forever. She has all the time and money in the world. If she genuinely cares about helping the poor, she can change her clothes, roll up her sleeves, and spend some unstructured time in the rural areas working next to people and, getting them better informed, and organizing. It's hard work and a lot of doors will slam in her face. Just my opinion. What would people think of that, or of having Hillary back in the mix?

Yeah Hillary needs to just stay away from politics or just die or something at this point.


Harsh, but she isn't going to help ANYTHINg now.

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http://a5.img.talkingpointsmemo.com/image/upload/w_652/slgcksjuase6ixhuwj5n.jpgGood times

I could be wrong, but I cannot see it ever dropping below 30%. There's too many people who either actually think like him and will support him no matter what or people who know they've been duped but will never admit to it.

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About half of the Republican party (and Republican leaners) is "true believers" who would follow Trump off a cliff. Generously, that would be 25% of the population. Some number of others might stick with Trump, some because of his celebrity, some who think he is the best possible vessel to oppose liberalism and the nanny state, and perhaps some who always support the president. That might be 30% in total.



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Trump tonight - at his second campaign/please worship me rally in a week, took time to mock Kaepernick.  With all these issues going on, he has to surround himself with his cult followers and pander to them so he can hear them hoot and holler and applaud.  


Whether or not the QB deserves criticism or kudos, it seems beneath the office the Presidency to mock him in a rally just to get his ego stroked by the applause.  .


I don't think he has mentioned anything involving the investigations, but that is not as important as getting his crowd to bow before him.



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Trump tonight - at his second campaign/please worship me rally in a week, took time to mock Kaepernick.  With all these issues going on, he has to surround himself with his cult followers and pander to them so he can hear them hoot and holler and applaud.  


Whether or not the QB deserves criticism or kudos, it seems beneath the office the Presidency to mock him in a rally just to get his ego stroked by the applause.  .


I don't think he has mentioned anything involving the investigations, but that is not as important as getting his crowd to bow before him.

Trump's an A-Hole. I hate him. His fan club is filled with the likes of the cognitive impaired, racists, hatemongers and all of the other uneducated crazies.


Kaepernick is probably black listed in the NFL now, I support what he did, I believe his heart to be in the right place.


The NFL is a very conservative business and I have no love for them. Me personally, I think I might be done with it.


Colin should sign with a CFL club and I bet you he will have a damn good career and be able to make some great money, Doug Flutie did alright - I am sure Colin K. will do good as well.


Sure, he will have to deal with the hillbilly Canadian sect of the population, but he will no longer have to deal with a corrupt, non transparent league, racists and hatemongers who will always paint him as a traitor.


Being a Patriot these days is a dead term. I don't think it serves a good purpose.

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I don't think Clinton needs to get out of politics, or die in a hole. She is a good person that has been slandered mercilessly by the right wing. I hope she files lawsuits fighting back, does interviews with news organizations and daytime talk shows, goes to rural conservative areas and begins planting seeds to change the narrative.


I think the right would have a lot more difficult time with their narrative if she spent more time relating to people. I think it is imperative for her to improve the perception of her in those areas.

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Since Michelle Obama has made it clear she's not interested, I'll follow the continuing career of Caroline Kennedy. I believe next up is a run for a Senate seat from New York.


And maybe in 2020 Kennedy and Cory Booker will make some big noise.

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