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POTUS Donald Trump


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Trump said this today:


“Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated.”


I knew, and I am not that bright, and definitely was not running for president where that was a hot button issue.

“Man who has never done his homework discovers he doesn’t know any answers on the test”

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Of all the things this administration could do to alienate itself from the population, I think cracking down on marijuana may be one of the most damaging.


Many people under the age of 50 - even some conservatives and most Libertarians - simply do not view marijuana differently than alcohol.


It's sad that this issue may be the thing that turns the tide but weirder things have happened.

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As an alleged smart businessman, Trump's talk of cracking down on marijuana is shockingly stupid and short sighted.


A 40 billion dollar industry where seizures of illegal product are down over 30% and sales of domestically grown and sold product are up over 70% to more than 4 billion (one of the fastest growing sectors of the US economy), should be one a smart person takes more advantage of.


What an idiot. 

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As an alleged smart businessman, Trump's talk of cracking down on marijuana is shockingly stupid and short sighted.


A 40 billion dollar industry where seizures of illegal product are down over 30% and sales of domestically grown and sold product are up over 70% to more than 4 billion (one of the fastest growing sectors of the US economy), should be one a smart person takes more advantage of.


What an idiot. 

But it fits into the larger GOP platform quite well; advocate free markets and small government but only when they align with the party platform.


And let's not ignore the racial undertones of "cracking down on marijuana". The older and whiter a person is, the more likely it becomes they conflate "reefer madness" and "thug life".

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You can't make this up. Fox news had a fake Sweden national security advisor on their program. Sweden claims to have no ties to the guy they had on o riely. You have got to be kidding me fox.


Weird - I have not seen a tweet by Trump calling Fox out on this.

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As an alleged smart businessman, Trump's talk of cracking down on marijuana is shockingly stupid and short sighted.


A 40 billion dollar industry where seizures of illegal product are down over 30% and sales of domestically grown and sold product are up over 70% to more than 4 billion (one of the fastest growing sectors of the US economy), should be one a smart person takes more advantage of.


What an idiot.


All those new private prisons aren't going to fill themselves up.


The stock of GEO Group, the largest company that specializes in managing private prisons, has more than doubled since November 1st.

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if only we'd learn from Portugal* about legalization and crime reduction....


*I think it is Portugal....and I'm too lazy to look right now.

Lazy? Or all hopped up on drugs??


I think we all know the answer to that, hippie.

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I think you'd have to be pretty dense to feel heartened after last night's address. Platitudes abound. Most egregiously, his appropriation of the fallen soldier and his aching wife to defend the (hollow) merits of his untimely death brought me chills. And don't get me started on 'VOICE.' Shameful.

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Old-Timey Member

I'm pretty sure one of two things is going on:

1. Trump was medicated for his speech last night.

2. He knows the walls are caving in for this Russia stuff, reports of Cruz and Ryan working behind the scenes to "take control" of party if Trump is gone may be true.



Either way, it's ridiculous how much the media praised him for last night, "OMG! He didn't say anything super loud and totally insane for 90 minutes! He's so presidential!"


Meanwhile they are ignoring the fact that he still has no idea what to do about healthcare, is building his stupid, racist, insanely expensive and needless "great Great Wall" and still planning on banning "Muslim countries" from entering the US.


**** trump and **** the soft media 90% of whom let him off the hook. Embarrassing how CNN was gushing and fawning over him being able to not act like itstimetotakeit for 90 minutes.

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I think you'd have to be pretty dense to feel heartened after last night's address. Platitudes abound. Most egregiously, his appropriation of the fallen soldier and his aching wife to defend the (hollow) merits of his untimely death brought me chills. And don't get me started on 'VOICE.' Shameful.

I had a friend on FB who posted how she has been waiting to hear words like that, that he was a true leader, and that she literally had tears running down her face.


Let's see how she feels when he dismantles the ACA. With her pre-existing condition, good luck.

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I actually thought his wanting to implement a new agency focusing on focusing on immigrant crimes was a bit chilling.  He really is stirring up the fear of people who are not white or orange.  I was talking to someone of Mexican heritage yesterday, and he said he felt uneasy living here for the first time, and he was born here.


I feel bad for the widow of the Navy Seal who died in Yemen.  She is obviously in great pain right now.  I did find it a little disingenuous of how Trump used her when just a few hours earlier he was still shirking any responsibility in the raid passing it off on the generals, when it was revealed he did not even bother to be in the situation room when it was occurring.


I could not actually watch the speech on TV, because I could not handle the smirking faces of Paul Ryan and Michael Pence perched behind him.

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There are good spin doctors out there.


No one who is slurping up Trump's mountain high **** of all ****s is a good spin doctor, Trump is not a spin doctor.


Ryan, Pence, McConnell are not spin doctors. They stand for an idea of America that should not exist, an idea that is wrong. They are vultures/opportunists that wish to have a Christian society that is archaic and suppresses freedom. They want minorities to accept their place and they want women to stay at home or accept their lesser and underpaid role in society.


Now they have an egomaniac as a president who falls under their flag, who wants to be loved and adored, a man who cannot accept criticism because his ego is too frail. He has an extreme dose of the celebrity cerebral complex2.


Last night was his pitch to make people like him. For the broad of mind, it's a damn joke. I look at the other's as parasites and diseases that have been infiltrating our society for some time. This we cannot argue, because it is the truth.


The Democrats are no good, they are pussies, and as a group they always choke.


The Republicans seem to find a way to stay united, and now they have their opportunity to **** us up as a society. **** you Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Mike Pence... and **** you Trump!

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It's getting real now...




In the Obama administration’s last days, some White House officials scrambled to spread information about Russian efforts to undermine the presidential election — and about possible contacts between associates of President-elect Donald J. Trump and Russians — across the government. Former American officials say they had two aims: to ensure that such meddling isn’t duplicated in future American or European elections, and to leave a clear trail of intelligence for government investigators.


American allies, including the British and the Dutch, had provided information describing meetings in European cities between Russian officials — and others close to Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin — and associates of President-elect Trump, according to three former American officials who requested anonymity in discussing classified intelligence. Separately, American intelligence agencies had intercepted communications of Russian officials, some of them within the Kremlin, discussing contacts with Trump associates.

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