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POTUS Donald Trump


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Remember when we used to complain about Dick Cheney the puppet-master?  We're on a whole new level with Bannon.


There is right-wing opposition galvanizing.  The Koch brothers are putting a lot smoke out there about how they will fund candidates against incumbent Republicans who support Trump's big government initiatives.


Sometimes the enemy of my enemy....

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these approval ratings are without question tied to the same questionable practices that missed Trump getting elected in the first place.

Eh, I don't buy that at all.


Trump didn't win the election because people liked him, he won because people hated his opponent equally... and Trump still lost the popular vote by over 2%.


We're talking about a president who barely scraped together 46% of the vote and, since entering the White House, has committed a multitude of moves that are questionable to everyone but his base.


Roughly 17-18% of all Americans voted for Donald Trump in November and even the Koch brothers are lining up squarely against him right now. Is it really surprising that a bunch of people disapprove of his actions as president thus far?

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I'm honestly shocked at what he is doing right now. I anticipated the Twitter nonsense, appointing horrible people around him, but the blatant and disrespect for the constitution and how our country is governed? That is shocking to me. The tea party has to be biting their tongue right now. Ted Cruz hates executive actions and i believe ran with the notion he would eliminate them. Trump on the other hand, has decided they are the only way to get what he wants. I really hope people who voted for him are paying attention.

Call me cynical, but except for a few principled conservatives, right wingers only hate executive actions when a Democrat does it. I suspect a large majority of people who consider themselves Tea Party are delighted with Trump's actions.
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Roughly 17-18% of all Americans voted for Donald Trump in November and even the Koch brothers are lining up squarely against him right now. Is it really surprising that a bunch of people disapprove of his actions as president thus far?

Including this company, which I believe is a little familiar to diehardtwinsfan.




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Looks like I'm wrong Trump is doing everything he said and it sounds like the court nominee is also going to be great.  I know part of the reason Democrats weren't worried the Garland nominee was ignored was because they assumed victory but it's crazy they didn't fight harder to at least make the Republican inaction an election issue.  It still was crazy to reject Cruz Rubio and Walker for someone it didn't appear we could trust, but in hindsight I would have supported Trump from the start.  His flaws are nothing but distractions in our favor.  It might come back to burn Republicans in 2018 or 2020 but doing what you say you are going to do probably isn't gonna hurt you more then the typical Republican response of compromise.

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Looks like I'm wrong Trump is doing everything he said and it sounds like the court nominee is also going to be great.  I know part of the reason Democrats weren't worried the Garland nominee was ignored was because they assumed victory but it's crazy they didn't fight harder to at least make the Republican inaction an election issue.  It still was crazy to reject Cruz Rubio and Walker for someone it didn't appear we could trust, but in hindsight I would have supported Trump from the start.  His flaws are nothing but distractions in our favor.  It might come back to burn Republicans in 2018 or 2020 but doing what you say you are going to do probably isn't gonna hurt you more then the typical Republican response of compromise.


You are ok with the Executive branch ignoring the judicial branch? I get agreeing with what he's doing (even if I don't), but I don't get how people that claim the constitution is important to them can be ok with that.


edit: or how some are cool with detaining people at airports w/o due process, also in the constitution. 

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I'm fascinated reading Nate Silver's breakdown of the ebbs and flows of a Presidential term when it comes to approval and disapproval ratings. Right now Trump's approval and disapproval ratings are similar to a normal President's year 2 after they've attempted a few changes of their own.... 

It'll be interesting to see if Trump's ratings follow any sort of traditional path, or if we're dealing with something so out of the ordinary that it's an outlier. 

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Looks like I'm wrong Trump is doing everything he said and it sounds like the court nominee is also going to be great. I know part of the reason Democrats weren't worried the Garland nominee was ignored was because they assumed victory but it's crazy they didn't fight harder to at least make the Republican inaction an election issue. It still was crazy to reject Cruz Rubio and Walker for someone it didn't appear we could trust, but in hindsight I would have supported Trump from the start. His flaws are nothing but distractions in our favor. It might come back to burn Republicans in 2018 or 2020 but doing what you say you are going to do probably isn't gonna hurt you more then the typical Republican response of compromise.

Makes sense. It's early though. Will be interesting to see if he can keep the coalition together.

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Don't know how many have seen this little item. If passed, this is likely to have the opposite effect of driving high tech companies, particularly startups, elsewhere.


This would clear up the market a bit for high tech job candidates... I'm actually on board with this. 

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You are ok with the Executive branch ignoring the judicial branch? I get agreeing with what he's doing (even if I don't), but I don't get how people that claim the constitution is important to them can be ok with that.


edit: or how some are cool with detaining people at airports w/o due process, also in the constitution.

or ignoring the detainees right to counsel and denying members of congress to meet with the detainees...


Trump throwing temper tantrums on twitter like he is a preteen.

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well, that's what my edit was supposed to mean......but ya, I don't get how constitution lovers are cool with, you know, ignoring the constitution...

so people from the countries on the list hadnt committed a terrorist act in the staes from 1975-2015. The four countries that had terrorists involved in 9/11, none if them on the list (because he does personal business with them). Still hasnt filed the paperwork giving up control of businesses, like he promised to, even though he is required to do so to avoid conflicts of interests, which his exclusions of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt and Lebanin clearly are.
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This has been a rough week - can't believe it's only Tuesday.  As a reminder, the ACLU has been doing Yeoman's work trying to stop Trump.  You can donate to the ACLU by clicking this link: https://www.aclu-mn.org/get-involved/supportus/donate/


I know some of the people that work there. They are pretty great people and very invested in their work.

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One of the funny but not funny things going on is the absolute lack of anyone with a communications background vetting this ****.  Trump calls for "extreme vetting" and then they send out a press release saying there's nothing extreme about protecting our borders.  Spicer tells us there isn't a ban in place and Trump tweets out why they didn't announce the ban before implementing it.  Morons.

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Wonder what President Bannon will do next?


Trump not mentioning Jews or anti-semitism in the holocaust speech was disgusting and had President Bannons fingerprints all over it.


And Bannon being a member of the NSC, unbelievable.

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Trump not mentioning Jews or anti-semitism in the holocaust speech was disgusting and had President Bannons fingerprints all over it.



They could not even be gracious when called on it, but were huffy and defensive instead of taking the opportunity to specifically acknowledge what happened to the Jews at that point, instead saying " 'nitpicking' of the Friday statement is 'just ridiculous.' ".


And this was also the day, Holocaust Memorial Day, they chose to announce the refuge ban.  So many layers of %^&% with this administration in almost everything they do.

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One of the good things is the ACLU has gotten more funding in the last 5 days then it literally has in the last 7 years.


This will pay off huge dividends for years to come,


Keep up the resistance my brothers and sisters!

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They could not even be gracious when called on it, but were huffy and defensive instead of taking the opportunity to specifically acknowledge what happened to the Jews at that point, instead saying " 'nitpicking' of the Friday statement is 'just ridiculous.' ".


And this was also the day, Holocaust Memorial Day, they chose to announce the refuge ban. So many layers of %^&% with this administration in almost everything they do.

funny you mention the ban was issued in the same day. In his speech he said,'together, we will make love and TOLERANCE prevalent throughout the world'
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This administration hasn't even faced a crisis yet. It's truly terrifying to consider how poorly they will handle one, given the level of incompetence they've shown in the absence of one so far.

You don't think we were at crises proportions before the Muslim ban? Why else would we have to make merica safer? Or Ivanka finding a house in dc? This isn't the comic book dc, its real life.


I have the unfortunate pleasure of many Facebook friends supporting these actions. One even said only detaining 109 people in one day isn't a big deal. We need to make sure these people are safe. I might delete Facebook.

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This administration hasn't even faced a crisis yet. It's truly terrifying to consider how poorly they will handle one, given the level of incompetence they've shown in the absence of one so far.


I heard someone commenting about this on the radio - they are messing up managing things they had complete control over, how are they going to handle something unexpected.


I was camping on the Arrowhead trail last summer, and one of the portages crossed over into Canada.  I am thinking of returning.  Growing up we used to get reception for a Thunder Bay station, so I think I am in tune with the Canadian culture.  I figure I better act now before your people start building a wall along our border.


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This administration hasn't even faced a crisis yet. It's truly terrifying to consider how poorly they will handle one, given the level of incompetence they've shown in the absence of one so far.

I do think that's when it all crumbles.


Unless, you know, they instigate the violence themselves to scapegoat a vulnerable minority.

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