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POTUS Donald Trump


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Is it required for them to be on field during the anthem? If they don’t want players to take a knee, allow them to not be onfield. I personally think sporting events have become too much of a display of forced patriotism and too ... militarized ... for lack of a better way to put it.

After participating in two baseball road trips this summer - 4 games in 4 days when a friend visited us in New England in June, and then 5 games in 6 days when I hitched a ride with my son in July - I concur. With all the standing and clapping for old veterans in the third or fourth inning, and standing for God Bless America in the seventh, all on top of the National Anthem, it gets tedious. The hard right has got their hooks into sports but good.


Best political advice I got as a youth was a college professor who commented, "watch out for the flag wavers". That was in reference to Nixon, but it's been a pretty good guide through the years.

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Is it required for them to be on field during the anthem? If they don’t want players to take a knee, allow them to not be onfield. I personally think sporting events have become too much of a display of forced patriotism and too ... militarized ... for lack of a better way to put it.


Actually, prior to the NFL getting a major sponsorship from the military within the last decade, the players didn't even leave the locker room until after the anthem.  So, no, it's absolutely not required.  In fact, it was common practice for teams not to be out there.


I think that's the true source of a lot of the NFL's bungling of this issue.  They have this major sponsor they are trying to keep happy and still balance the player's interests.  (And it's clear which of those they have more interest in appealing to)


What really sucks is that this is a winning issue for Trump and a losing issue for the players.  I wish the NFL would pull in about 20 of the most active players and shoot straight with them: they can't have the kneeling during the anthem for the reasons above, so ask them what else they can do to show they support the players and their cause.  

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God Bless America isn’t any kind of official song. It’s a ditty written by Irving Berlin. I think standing for that, elevating it to the level of the anthem, is actually disrespectful to the anthem. Maybe the solution for me is to not spend my money going to sporting events altogether. I have great respect for those who serve, but we are not governed by the military and forcing us all, athletes included, to participate in this sanctimonious crap is really the antithesis of what this country used to stand for. I stand for the anthem because it’s my choice to. I don’t stand for anything else. But I’m beginning to wonder now if I should choose not to stand for anything and lodge my own protest at what sporting events have become.

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Anyone listen to Omarosa's tapes? The stories run about the volatility in that first year are beginning to sound true. She was taping conversations... even in the situation room?! Is she posturing for Trump, alleging to him that she has worse audio? I don't see her end game. She already released her book, these recordings are just hurting her character at this point.

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I think in a lot of ways she is like Trump - impulsive, self-serving, narcissistic, capable of lying as she is breathing, losing track of past lies, and probably not going to listen to someone who is going to tell her to show some restraint and think beyond her impulse to draw attention to herself.  


I don't trust anything she says.  That said, nothing she has said would shock me if it was true.

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How bad would Obama beat Trump in 2020? I'd seriously pay money to watch Trump debate Obama... then to watch faux news twist themselves into knots afterward.

This is why I want to push Al Franken out on a raft into the ocean right now. He's one of the few people who could square up against Trump in a debate and make him look like an idiot while fighting on Trump's terms.

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I hate to say this, but I think that, as of now, Trump would be formidable in 2020. The "Trump coalition" has stayed together--government haters, loyal Republicans, working class people who feel that both parties, but particularly Democrats, have left them behind--it includes a lot of deplorables (thanks for that Hillary). Trump's behavior hasn't phased them publicly and they crow about the strong economy. Some will leave if Mueller comes out with serious charges, but most will stay. What I am curious about is what happens when the economy sours? I don't think Trump will totally crater, but some that supported Trump will oppose him and all Republicans.


The other factor in the mid-terms and probably 2020 is that many who said why vote for the lesser of two evils will see that the Donald has done great damage and will continue unless his enablers are defeated in the mid-terms and he is swept out in 2020. This year's election will be about turnout, as will 2020 IMHO. Republicans know this and are trying to make it harder and harder to vote.

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Trump has taken over the Republican Party, that's for sure.


Here in Arizona for example, Republican Congresswoman Martha McSally (a retired AF Col who I actually served with, and voted for) is running for Jeff Flake's Senate seat, taking on Joe Arpaio (Yes, THAT Joe Arpaio) and a former state Senator wingnut named Kelli Ward in the R primary race. Ward previously lost to John McCain in the last primary for his seat. She's an incredibly bad candidate, but she was in on the Trump bandwagon early and hard, and is making the primary a lot closer than it should be. If Arpiao drops out (he's draining off the wingnut vote), there's a real chance she beats McSally.


Flake himself is only retiring because his vocal distaste for Trump left him with a very real chance of losing this primary.


It should be a guaranteed win for McSally...except she showed some character during the presidential primary and criticized Trump. I had no trouble voting for her in the first place, because I knew her personally, and she had always been someone I admired. Strong, couragous, principled. 


But the primary has shown that you can't stand against Trump here in AZ, and as the race has tightened she's moved many of her previous positions to align with Trump. Disappointing, to say the least, but it shows the power of Trumpism.


Say what you will about Trump, but he's fully in command of the Republican Party apparatus.

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I hate to say this, but I think that, as of now, Trump would be formidable in 2020. 

I don't think so. His approval rating is 40% at best. Presidents with that don't get reelected. He's killing the GOP. The moderates are almost entirely gone - esp from the House. I admit that I'm usually quite worried about how the dems might steal defeat from the jaws of victory and we really are looking at some lack-luster candidates right now for 2020 but ...


I agree that turn out matters and gerrymandering plus voter disenfranchisement work that the Supreme Court has upheld (seriously, John Roberts is the worst thing for voting rights since the Jim Crow south. His legacy is ****) hurts Democrats chances but it's not quite as dire as some think. Keep in mind that Walz, Petersen and Nolan all held districts that went big for Trump in 2016. Candidates still matter and the Dems seem to be getting the better draws around the country (mostly).

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I hate to say this, but I think that, as of now, Trump would be formidable in 2020. The "Trump coalition" has stayed together--government haters, loyal Republicans, working class people who feel that both parties, but particularly Democrats, have left them behind--it includes a lot of deplorables (thanks for that Hillary). Trump's behavior hasn't phased them publicly and they crow about the strong economy. Some will leave if Mueller comes out with serious charges, but most will stay. What I am curious about is what happens when the economy sours? I don't think Trump will totally crater, but some that supported Trump will oppose him and all Republicans.

The other factor in the mid-terms and probably 2020 is that many who said why vote for the lesser of two evils will see that the Donald has done great damage and will continue unless his enablers are defeated in the mid-terms and he is swept out in 2020. This year's election will be about turnout, as will 2020 IMHO. Republicans know this and are trying to make it harder and harder to vote.


Turnout is always what makes or breaks the Democrats.  They need turnout.


The one element of Trump's base that can be reached is rural whites.  The farm tariffs are killing people, that part of his base is absolutely vulnerable to being flipped.  Target them and drive out the minority vote.  The only reason we were spared Roy Moore was getting black women out in droves.  We need more of that kind of effort.

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Cohen says he made the hush payments at the direction of Trump. Wow. That's pretty much an allegation of criminal act against Trump. 


And Manafort has another trial coming up that actually involves his foreign contacts. That can't be good for Trump.

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So, first Trump didn't have sex with Stormy Daniels.  Didn't even know her.  Then it comes out that a payment was made, but it wasn't hush money.  Then it was hush money but Trump didn't know anything about it. Then he knew about it after the fact, but it somehow didn't violate campaign finance law.


AND NOW, he directed payments to two different women because he didn't want the affairs to come out before the election (which we knew a long time ago). And it violates campaign finance law.


And he'll still deny it.  And his followers, including the religious ones who preach adultery is so bad it's a sin, will blindly believe him like they always do and/or won't care one bit.


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I do live in Iowa... but ring wing friends of mine are way more concerned with border security and the"illegal" that has lived in the states ate over 5 years. This story seriously couldn't have come at a better time for Trump.... Which does make me suspicious. I mean, if I was to create a diversion to my base, this is the bloodiest meat possible. I do feel heartbroken for this girl and her family. I also feel like her death is going to be used and twisted into a disgusting message.

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I am not completely surprised that Trump does not really seem to think tax evasion is a serious issue or a crime.  He probably thinks it is a right for anyone in the upper tax brackets.


I feel very badly for Paul Manafort and his wonderful family. “Justice” took a 12 year old tax case, among other things, applied tremendous pressure on him and, unlike Michael Cohen, he refused to “break” - make up stories in order to get a “deal.” Such respect for a brave man!



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Apparently, one juror was the reason Manafort wasn't found guilty on all charges.

But that's often how the justice system works. I'm satisfied that there were convictions. Unanimity is difficult to achieve on anything that is contested.

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His little (and creepy) video about Mollie Tibbets' death was even more brazenly political than I would have predicted.  


It is a big surprise that his first tweet about an injustice in Africa was in defense of the white landowners in South Africa.  I know it is a complicated issue and am assuming he studied it before replying and it was not a knee jerk reaction to hearing Tucker Carlson on a rant or knowing it is something the hard alt-right support.

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