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IF you truly believe Trump is the one who introduced detention centers and that the media is telling you the truth that “Mr. President Trump is lying” then why are all of their images and examples from the Obama era?

Obama and the Democratic party NEVER, EVER had a law or policy that intentionally, willfully and specifically separated families at the border. Period. In fact, during Obama's tenure as president, illegal immigration was trending downward. This CURRENT policy of separating families was introduced in late April and took effect in early May. This was policy set forth by Trump and by Sessions. And they were doing this to families who also presented themselves at the border LEGALLY. Trump has referred to these people, these human beings, in less so language. He has worked to dehumanize these people, referring to them as 'infestations' to make it easier for people like you to be so disregarding of their plight. And many families may never be reunited with their children again. What was done was done BY TRUMP and his administration.

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Sheepish because I believe in statistics that say that 83% weren’t separated from parents? Okay....

I can’t believe you are defending the use of coyotes for kid to go across the border when that is so dangerous and there are less dangerous and legal options available.

I probably missed it ... but did you provide a link to that 83% figure? Could you post it again? I'd like to read it.

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Pretty sure the House and the Senate have Republican majorities. If he's not getting bills passed it's not because of the Democrats, it's because of his own party. A minority party can't be obstructionist when they don't have enough votes to do so, unless in the Senate they somehow get and keep a fillibuster going, but those rules have changed so it's more difficult to do even that.

Senate requires 60 votes to change laws. Democrats 100% said they would vote no to keep families together so the President has to fix the law himself but unfortunately a democrat can easily repeal his executive order helping families



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Obama and the Democratic party NEVER, EVER had a law or policy that intentionally, willfully and specifically separated families at the border. Period. In fact, during Obama's tenure as president, illegal immigration was trending downward. This CURRENT policy of separating families was introduced in late April and took effect in early May. This was policy set forth by Trump and by Sessions. And they were doing this to families who also presented themselves at the border LEGALLY. Trump has referred to these people, these human beings, in less so language. He has worked to dehumanize these people, referring to them as 'infestations' to make it easier for people like you to be so disregarding of their plight. And many families may never be reunited with their children again. What was done was done BY TRUMP and his administration.

Nope. Arrests may have been down but that is so they could skew statistics. Democrats selectively chose what crimes to enforce for their own narrative. For example in Texas they want to decriminalize theft under $500.



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Senate requires 60 votes to change laws. Democrats 100% said they would vote no to keep families together so the President has to fix the law himself but unfortunately a democrat can easily repeal his executive order helping familieshttps://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/why-is-a-simple-majority-usually-not-enough-to-pass-a-bill-in-the-senate/

This is all irrelevant. Is truth unimportant to you?

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And there you have it. You don’t care about safety of children you believe in open borders. We have to vet people that come over so we don’t let the dangerous folks your referring to over. Must protect our own children and help those children applying for asylum. Thank god there are 9 US consulates throughout Mexico for people who are trying to flee for violence can do so legally and safely

Strange that you came up with that conclusion from my post. Also, you can have both, they are not mutually exclusive. America was founded on open borders, I guess I don't understand why there are so many nationalists. My family all came over in the early 1900s. Nationalism is exactly how the Nazis came to power in Germany. Concentration camps of Jews were justified because they were.... infesting.... the country. I'm not saying let anybody in, I'm saying it's a completely asinine to tell these immigrants to "do it the right way," and the crossing the border is a criminal offense worthy of jail. These people aren't criminals.


This isn't about saving these kids. Come on man. Trump has explicitly said multiple times he doesn't want these kids coming into our country at all. There has to be something more we can do to stabilize those countries. That is the ultimate problem, not the innocent people fleeing violence. I'd rather we try to stabilize this region than Syria or Pakistan. Unfortunately, the oil companies don't make money in Central America, and they the bills...

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I think this thread has shown why trying to use logic and facts fails. The 40% or so who are hardline Trump supporters aren't going to change, no matter what. Hopefully, the rest of us can make things better. Props to those of you who tried and used facts and reason.

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Hmmm... Maybe this is the reason why all the democrats resisted, and refused to vote to reunite families.   Because they didn't want to... They just wanted to be mad



Republicans can pass anything they want all on their own.  Why haven't they?  


Immigration is definitely a problem.  We might be able to arrive at some solutions if compromise bills weren't shot down by whacko Republicans at every turn.

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Hmmm... Maybe this is the reason why all the democrats resisted, and refused to vote to reunite families.   Because they didn't want to... They just wanted to be mad


Yeah, it's the minority political party's fault.  If the Democrats would only take control of the presidency, and both branches of congress, we'd all be in a lot better position. 


The Republicans have accomplished ONE legislative item -- tax cuts.  We know what their priorities are.  Why do you support them? I seriously doubt their policy has helped you practically (unless you're very rich), beyond that warm feeling of smiting thy enemies!

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From media reports, it is nearly impossible to be granted asylum and (at least from Latin America) equally difficult to legally emigrate to the USA. In actuality no one wants “open borders” and there needs to be an expanded number allowed in legally. The other side of the coin is what to do with the undocumented already in the country. There is wide approval for “dreamers” to stay in the country indefinitely. Adult illegals? No consensus. The majority party can’t come up with any policy to address these issues, with a significant portion of the party opposed to any softening of immigration policy. And there’s the wall.

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From media reports, it is nearly impossible to be granted asylum and (at least from Latin America) equally difficult to legally emigrate to the USA. In actuality no one wants “open borders” and there needs to be an expanded number allowed in legally. The other side of the coin is what to do with the undocumented already in the country. There is wide approval for “dreamers” to stay in the country indefinitely. Adult illegals? No consensus. The majority party can’t come up with any policy to address these issues, with a significant portion of the party opposed to any softening of immigration policy. And there’s the wall.

And this is what pisses me off about the situation. Listen, I get it, we can't agree on some immigration policies.


But there is overwhelming support for two things:


1. Dreamers get to stay.

2. Locking up children is absolutely horrific policy.


Yet Congress refuses to address those two points without trying to sneak in broad, wide-ranging policy that the public is split on: the wall, prosecution of those who enter illegally, etc.


Here's an idea: go ahead and pass the **** that everyone agrees on and fight over your pet immigration bills separately on another day.


This strategy is commonly referred to as "doing the right thing".

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If you had real empathy you wouldn’t want these kids making this dangerous trek. There are 9 US consulted and 1 US embassy throughout Mexico where people can file for asylum legally and protect their children from the coyotes and smugglers, and general heat/desert conditions. It’s dangerous. If you had any heart you wouldn’t want these kids to go through this


Nearly none of the persons attempting to cross the border in Mexico are Mexican. Most fear for their lives anywhere in Central America. Take the time to listen to someone who has been blessed with asylum, and you'll understand. I have. I hosted one in my home for nearly six months who was barely old enough to remember, but she will never forget due to the trials of crossing multiple countries just to make it to that border. Creating a big Mexican monster is misplaced.


The other issue you run into - US embassies and consulates around the globe are unstaffed and understaffed as the President has nominated less than 1/8th of the persons he needs to. These nominations usually are part of a furious first 100 days of presidency. Instead, we're over a year into the presidency with many countries with empty embassies, even as local as Central America, and most of them dramatically understaffed due to a lack of directed staffing on the president's part.


Currently, we have a crisis in the EPA that is affecting our automakers and will come to a head in the 2020-2021 model years if not averted within the next 90 days. Every single model change by an automaker has to be approved by the EPA in order to be manufactured and/or sold in this country. Currently, a staff of nearly 400 persons during the last four administrations has less than 50, and at full capacity, they're often overwhelmed if multiple automakers do major changes to their offering lineup in a model year. If not approved within the next 90 days, 2020-2021 manufacturing will need to start being outsourced. By this time next year, those cars will need to be able to be sold in the country, but that means approval on a whole host of things. And that's just one industry.

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And there you have it. You don’t care about safety of children you believe in open borders. We have to vet people that come over so we don’t let the dangerous folks your referring to over. Must protect our own children and help those children applying for asylum. Thank god there are 9 US consulates throughout Mexico for people who are trying to flee for violence can do so legally and safely


Multiple studies have shown that illegal immigration is LOWER with open borders. The persons that benefit are migrant workers who go back to their country out of season and come to the US in season to do jobs that no one else seems to want to do. People simply come to where they are supposed to once in the US when the border is more forgiving. Those seeking asylum nearly immediately seek out their first point to go through all the proper processes when they're not detained the second they attempt to enter the country.


Of course, the ugly fact that the president and my of his ardent followers don't want to face is that the significant majority of illegal immigration in this country happens through the air...and if you add in via boat, you have nearly 80% of all illegal immigration into the country, and almost all (over 95%) of the trafficking (drug and human) cases that are prosecuted on immigrants each year. Those numbers are from 2015, but I highly doubt in 3 years that suddenly traffickers have changed methodology such that our Mexican border is a huge issue for trafficking...at least in comparison to the air and sea.


...but our Saudi friends enter the country through the air and sea, so y'know.

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I have live through 5 presidents now and I can say without a doubt that this is by far the only President I’ve been proud of.

I've lived through 12 and Trump is without a doubt the only President I haven't been proud of.


I served under Republican Presidents, and willingly took the oath of enlistment, and served proudly, even if I didn't agree with some, or in some case, most of their politics. All were decent, if flawed humans, genuinely interested in doing what they felt best for the nation.


I would not have reenlisted under Donald Trump. He is a despicable human being, doing incalculable damage to this nation. He has managed, in 2 years, to turn "truth" and "honesty" into something we can no longer claim to respect in this nation.


And he's done so intentionally.


He cares nothing about you, me, or this nation. He cares about Donald Trump, and will do anything, say anything, harm anyone, to further the cause of Donald Trump. 


It will take generations to recover from the damage he's done. If it even CAN be recovered from.







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Of course, the ugly fact that the president and my of his ardent followers don't want to face is that the significant majority of illegal immigration in this country happens through the air...and if you add in via boat, you have nearly 80% of all illegal immigration into the country, and almost all (over 95%) of the trafficking (drug and human) cases that are prosecuted on immigrants each year. Those numbers are from 2015, but I highly doubt in 3 years that suddenly traffickers have changed methodology such that our Mexican border is a huge issue for trafficking...at least in comparison to the air and sea.


...but our Saudi friends enter the country through the air and sea, so y'know.

The Space Force will be manning the new Sky Wall, once the Democrats care about children enough to fund it! Duh!

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I would be curious to see how many of the GOP actually think the Wall is a waste of time and money, but will not say that out loud.  Not only would it be ineffective, but  also has consequences for the wildlife that migrate through there.  Because we have someone who can never be man enough to admit he is wrong, and it is something that works with his fear mongering and the bogeyman he uses at his campaign rallies,it is going to take time and effort and resources away from things that might be beneficial.


Nice with all that is going on, Trump can take time to tweet about Jimmy Fallon and belittle a restaurant (even though Mar a Largo is the place that has had health code violations in the last few years).  As much as I cannot stand Sarah Sanders, I think she should have been allowed to eat there (although can understand why she was asked to leave, with a number of the staff being gay, and Sarah being pretty vocal of her approval of the bakery case), but Trump should not be using his power to try to belittle a small business.  He does like to use his twitter influence to hurt business of people he does not care and endorse the books and products of his favorite cheerleaders.


I also don't agree with what Maxine Waters said about harassing people, but this does not seem like a good response and only exacerbates the rhetoric.  He never arises above the situation, but finds a way to reach a new bottom.



11m11 minutes ago

Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!





Also, while I am not sure I agree with Maxine, she did not mention harm and she specifically mentioned confronting cabinet members not his supporters in general.  Trump enhanced what she said in a rather reckless manner.

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Hmmm... Maybe this is the reason why all the democrats resisted, and refused to vote to reunite families.   Because they didn't want to... They just wanted to be mad


You continue to conflate "case-by-case policy" with "blanket policy". Of course some children are going to be separated from their families if concern over the child's well-being is in question. We do it every day to our own citizens. It's called Child Protective Services and is absolutely necessary.


That's a hell of a long way from "all children are separated from their families".

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The thought of a moderate or liberal leaving the bench during Trump's term has literally kept me up at night more than once.


A hundred years from now, when historians look back at our smoldering, once great and powerful nation, they will consider this the pivotal moment in our catastrophic descent as a nation.


I only hope that those who voted for Trump will be able to admit that they knowingly doomed us when they look back from their death beds.

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I only hope that those who voted for Trump will be able to admit that they knowingly doomed us when they look back from their death beds.

They won't.  And it makes me angry, although it probably shouldn't since it's part and parcel with their character.

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He authored Obergefell among other victories for social liberals. His replacement will be much, much worse.


Yes- Gorsuch is not as far right as Scalia (some people say more), he is relatively young.


Trump will have no problem finding a young replacement that is to the right of Kennedy.


Then there are all the young judges that he appointed to the lower courts that we will be feeling this for decades.



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