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POTUS Donald Trump


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The next generation just has to be willing to learn more skills. I'm guessing even in today's poor educational climate, plenty of people who's jobs are becoming extinct have opportunities to learn new skills but refuse to do it.


I'd have to imagine there are even going to be plenty of new jobs created by today's innovation which will be obsolete, and just like our rapidly changing technology, they are going to become obsolete at quicker and quicker rates.


People just have to understand that there is just going to be fewer and fewer jobs where you learn one trade and call it a career as has long been a workingman's tradition. That obviously isn't going to sit well with folks who resist change kicking and screaming.


And yes, the government should be funding the education to keep the population up to speed.

Robots and computers will do almost everything in our kids lifetimes, maybe grandkids. There simply won't be as many jobs, but there will be more people. This economic model won't work.

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The indictments passed out yesterday are most certainly only the tip of the iceberg. No Americans on the list is ominous. The key Russians we know to be involved with the Trump campaign also not included.


This wasn't shocking, but it was eye opening the lengths that were taken to undermine our democracy. I'd say it toes the line, if not goes over it, as an act of war. The outright dismissive attitude of Trump towards it is unbelievable, even for him.


Trump is again turning this into him being exonerated, which is not true to begin with, and the worst response Americans could have ever hoped for. Putin owns him, maybe Mueller will find out why.


People voted for Trump that hate the "deep state." While some of that was vindicated by the dnc showing preference for Clinton, this Russia stuff is going much deeper than I expected.

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The indictments passed out yesterday are most certainly only the tip of the iceberg. No Americans on the list is ominous. 

It's not ominous, it's strategic.  Yesterday was about debunking Trump's narrative that Russia meddling was fake news.   This indictment was designed to give Trump plausible deniability (for now) so the investigation can continue.  That Rosenstein gave the press conference gives Mueller further cover.  There was also the plea deal of Richard Pinedo, an American, announced yesterday as well, who had sold bank account and stole identities; make what you will of that, but I think it's connected to the Russia indictment.


First step needed to be establish that the Russian's influenced the election, that legitimizes the probe itself; now Mueller has time to thoroughly make his case for collusion, which I'm sure is much more complex than what's publicly known.

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The indictments passed out yesterday are most certainly only the tip of the iceberg. No Americans on the list is ominous. The key Russians we know to be involved with the Trump campaign also not included.


This wasn't shocking, but it was eye opening the lengths that were taken to undermine our democracy. I'd say it toes the line, if not goes over it, as an act of war. The outright dismissive attitude of Trump towards it is unbelievable, even for him.


Trump is again turning this into him being exonerated, which is not true to begin with, and the worst response Americans could have ever hoped for. Putin owns him, maybe Mueller will find out why.


People voted for Trump that hate the "deep state." While some of that was vindicated by the dnc showing preference for Clinton, this Russia stuff is going much deeper than I expected.

Meddling in our elections is absolutely an act of war. Not even close to the line, IMO.

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What do we do in retaliation, meddle back? Oh wait, we already did that some time ago.

I don't disagree that retaliation is a tricky situation.

But actively interfering in a sovereign nations election is a clear act of war.

And yes, it was an act of war by us as well, if we've done it.

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Trump has neither been exonerated or indicted. His claims that Russian meddling didn’t affect the election are empty and unproven.


Now he’s blaming Democrats for failing to pass laws for DACA and gun control and blaming Obama for his muted response to Russian meddling. I can’t believe this man and the people who echo his comments.

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The pressure is mounting. It's pretty obvious Trump is getting nervous. I doubt it'll come back to him, because I just don't think he has the capacity to pull something like this off. Still, I have no doubt our country will look back on his presidency with regret.

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Gates flipped and agreed to a plea deal. But he's still looking at five years in jail.  Obviously, it'll be a bit less with good behavior and he'll be sent to a minimum security fed jail but still. Wow, five + years. That's probably scary for Manafort.



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The Russia drips continue. They are getting closer and closer to Trump. I'm really interested to see how he responds. I don't think he would be dumb enough to repeat the Saturday night massacre, but I'm not holding my breath. At this point I believe it is only a matter of time before the Donald is linked in some way.

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Hope is now resigning.  It probably did not help her cause that she testified that her job required her to tell white lies for the President, but who knows all what is going on behind the scenes.


He also mentioned taking guns away (without due process) and background checks at the gun meeting today.  Although he has a pretty good record of back-tracking once he he is behind closed doors with voices who don't like when he strays off the path.

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Any thoughts on the North Korea meeting?.  I am thinking either Trump's large threats and melodrama might have been more effective on someone like Kim Jong Un, or this is an ill-advised meeting that he agreed to without thinking of possible consequences or getting advice for the experts and could back-fire greatly.  I don't see a lot of middle ground of how this could turn out.

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Any thoughts on the North Korea meeting?.  I am thinking either Trump's large threats and melodrama might have been more effective on someone like Kim Jong Un, or this is an ill-advised meeting that he agreed to without thinking of possible consequences or getting advice for the experts and could back-fire greatly.  I don't see a lot of middle ground of how this could turn out.

It's good for North Korea. They get to argue that their weapons brought a US President to the negotiating table. They've been trying to talk to US Presidents for decades but all of them - dem and GOP - had refused. Until now. 

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So am I just being a conspiracy nut, or has it crossed anyone else's mind that Russia is pulling the strings here in an attempt to set Trump and the GOP up for a huge win?


You are not the first person I have seen mention that, so if you are a conspiracy nut, you are at least not alone.

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I've worried for some time that Russia could orchestrate a North Korea crisis (or a crisis else where in the world), the timing of which would benefit the GOP.  I'm less worried about an orchestrated peace talk--say with North Korea making some concession on nuclear arms--to make Trump look good. 


Even if Trump manages some kind concessions from NK, this White House is so bad at optics, I'm not sure it will have much positive effect much less much staying power.   I think it's more likely they bungle whatever good outcome Russia has planned for them.

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It is worth pointing out, like Arthur said, past presidents didn't give north Korea they time of day to argue their case directly. Usually, there are channels, like secretary of state, that are used first.


Trump is bypassing that, and I think he's going to get taken advantage of. Kim is probably elated that Trump is taking the meeting. What is even worse, is that I could see him winning Trump over. Trump loves fascism and power... and words will matter in this meeting.


This could be good for the gop (or the world as a whole) and North Korea... but it could also be really bad. I have no doubt Russia is pushing buttons at some level. They've really dive full fledged into making every attempt possible to disrupt society, why stop at North Korea.

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The announcement holds no sway for me. But the results of any May meeting? ... I do have an open mind.


Even as a non-supporter for Trump, I see him swinging for the fences on this issue, and if he connects then he deserves credit. I do have my doubts that he achieves anything except a return to the status when he took office.


I don't know why I didn't think of a Russian angle to this before it was mentioned here. That does mean scrutiny of any positive outcome is needed.

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They are already starting to back track if it is going to actually happen.  Conditions will need to be met.


It sounds like the South Koreans passed on the invitation and Trump immediately accepted and shortly made the public announcement without talking to Tillerson etc.  Tillerson had just said earlier in the day that they were not ready for negotiations.  After Trump's announcement, today Tilerson is trying to distinguish talks vs. negotiations, but I suspect Trump's announcement blindsided him. 


Trump did manage to shift the conversation away from Russia and Stormy for awhile.

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Almost always, when heads of state meet it's because the details of the agreement have already been hammered out by the necessary people. So a backtracking of the announcement would, for me, be just another instance of the rookie mistakes that I expected from an administration trying to tout their lack of Washington insider-ness.


Still, wait and see.

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I really don't care much about north Korea. I don't see them engaging in any real war with anyone. Kim knows it would be suicide.


I think the bigger news is the trade tariffs. This could be really bad.

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Speaking of trade tariffs...  at some point using them as a threat is not going to end well.  Nothing like a little bit of extortion to make the country look great in the eyes of the world.


And does he have to end every tweet in an exclamation point?  Dear Diary - today I think I convinced Australia to ask me to the prom!


Donald J. Trump

5m5 minutes ago

Spoke to PM @TurnbullMalcolm of Australia. He is committed to having a very fair and reciprocal military and trade relationship. Working very quickly on a security agreement so we don’t have to impose steel or aluminum tariffs on our ally, the great nation of Australia!

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I dislike both Trump and tariffs as much as the next guy but he appears to actually be using his supposed strength to his advantage for once: negotiation.


I have to give the guy a little credit here. He put the world on the edge of its seat with a flat tariff but has brought some of our closest allies - Mexico, Canada, Australia, and probably Britain - back to the negotiating table by exempting them from the tariffs... for now.


I don't like tariffs and I don't like bluster but he seems to be getting the job done here and deserves at least a little credit for it.

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