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The Advertisements - A new level of annoying


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I've grown accustomed to advertisements on web pages.


Ads that take a while to load, only to move the content down right before you accidentally click on a completely different article or link. - Mildly annoying, but only because off unfortunate timing


Websites that have a video associated with every story, that starts automatically (always with an ad, of course) - Annoying, but I can just pause the video and continue reading the webpage without interruption.



But this latest type of Ad on Twins Daily has me highly annoyed


It's a tiny little video on the right side of the screen that starts automatically (annoying, but I've gotten used to this type of thing). But here's the kicker..... It automatically resets me from wherever I happen to be on the webpage back to where the damn advertisement is. I was reading comment #18 and magically I'm teleported back to comment #3. SO ANNOYING!!!!!!


I get the need for ads. I really do. But this is just plain infuriating. I brought this up a couple weeks ago, even before these magic teleporting ads... Is there some sort of kickstarter we could donate to to remove ads from Twins Daily? How much would need to be raised to remove them completely? I'm in for $20. 

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I was just going to comment about those ads that reset the page once they load so you have to look at them! WTF? Can we just dump the video ads, period? They just slow everything thing down while waiting for them to load. And my computer at work is brand new! 

What ever happened to non-animating ads?

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Old-Timey Member

Brock will get right on this after his afternoon swim.



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It's the "Pill Pockets" Ad, by the way. 


As I was reading d-mac's reply, I got teleported. It's a 30 second ad that's on continuous loop, that teleports you every time the ad starts over.

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It's the "Pill Pockets" Ad, by the way. 


As I was reading d-mac's reply, I got teleported. It's a 30 second ad that's on continuous loop, that teleports you every time the ad starts over.


Genius on their part, I say. You now have looked.....


those and the ones that cover half the comments on mobile devices.

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Old-Timey Member

FYI: Every time you reload this page or start a new anti advertiser thread it's just more sweet sweet advertising dollars in Brock's pockets



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I have about 4 sites where I have Flash deactivated. When there is a video that I want to watch on those sites, I temporarily reactivate Flash. I experience much less frustration over auto run video ads.


At work, I have NO CONTROL over settings...

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I'm assuming that if I blocked ads, that Twins Daily wouldn't get advertising revenue from me. I don't want that. I have no problem with the owners of Twins Daily getting what they can from advertising. I use the site. I enjoy the site. I want it to continue to be successful.


But these new ads are freaking annoying. 

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FYI: Every time you reload this page or start a new anti advertiser thread it's just more sweet sweet advertising dollars in Brock's pockets



Hey, unless I'm mistaken, Brock's pocket is what keeps this site up and running.

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Relegated to the "nobody ever goes there" forum :(


Can we at least get a "I've thought about that kickstarter thing, but I just don't think it makes sense"


It's never going to get a serious discussion in this forum.

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Relegated to the "nobody ever goes there" forum :(

Can we at least get a "I've thought about that kickstarter thing, but I just don't think it makes sense"

It's never going to get a serious discussion in this forum.

You could try the Twitter and Facebook presences as alternatives to get through. I agree the Kickstarter idea is a viable one. They'd probably make a lot more than expected from it.

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I'm glad you brought this up. The writing here is as good as any Twins blog around. But the intrusive bells and whisles are so annoying it's gone from first to last in line as a place to drop in.


I wasn't sure what to do. I've contemplated a non-public email to the editor. I don't just want to be negative. What I want is to come here more often and read! So take this as constructive criticism from someone who's on your side!


I read a lot of baseball talk on my phone. But Twins Daily adds a really, really annoying frame to my phone screen. It says Twins Daily on the top, with an ad on the bottom. Every time you slide the page up, which is every second or two, the frame on the top slides up and off the screen -- yay!  And the ad slides up into the middle of hte page. The second you let go, though -- bing!  The banner appears on the top and bottom again.


One, it's a small space, which can't really afford to be made even smaller. And two, the constant jumping motion is immensely distracting. It's like someone clapping their hands right in front of your face. You just can't tune it out, no matter how many times in a row it happens.


I am serious: this alone is enough to make me refuse to read the site. Really.


I  read twinkietown, startribune.com/twins, aarongleeman, hardballtalk, even the official Twins page, and then, sometimes, will grit my teeth and come here.


I miss the site, because as I say, the writing is great. I learn stuff! Parker explains mechanics better than anyone I've ever seen. Seth and Roger know more about the minor leagues than anyone else I read. And thre's more. But I can't STAND my one, tiny little screen being full of MOVING ads. It's like someone shouting in your eyes, non stop. 


And it's so pointless! The top banner isnt even an ad!


As people here have already said, I get it, you deserve some revenue. But TWINS DAILY inserting random phrases every TWINS DAILY few words, in each and TWINS DAILY every sentence, for no reason at TWINS DAILY all, just makes no sense. TWINS DAILY It doesn't increase revenue. It actually costs you TWINS DAILY revenue, because it drives away readers! TWINS DAILY You are literally reducing the number of eyeballs who TWINS DAILY read your ads. Why? Why? it's like a TWINS DAILY little kid who just learned he can TWINS DAILY make each and every letter on TWINS DAILY the page a different color. Yes! You TWINS DAILY can! But please don't! It's TWINS DAILY really annoying! It isn't even TWINS DAILY good advertising for your brand! It just makes TWINS DAILY everyone hate the TWINS DAILY name Twins Daily!


btw this site works fine on my work computer. Whatever ad block software it has on takes care of the video ads you're talking about. If it's really annoying you that much, get over your guilt and use ad block. You're not helping anyone by letting it drive you crazy. Just wait till they sell a shirt or something, that will be worth more than watching 10,000 ads. Your time is too value to sell for a fraction of a cent. If I knew how to block the ads and banners on my phone I would. But I'd rather they just showed a little restraint. No one wins if I just don't come anymore. Well, I guess you all win, as it's one less annoying comment. But I've been wishing for a long, long time that they would just show a little respect for the people who are TRYING to remain readers, but can't take the nonsense. I literally cannot stand to read this site on my phone anymore, so I go elsewhere. And that make me said. Sorry for kvetching. Really I don't want to just whine. What I want is for you to make the site more pleasant, and get more readers! Show a little class, restraint, respect for your visitors, good taste, whatever you want to call it. People will only love you even more. Thanks for listening.

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1) interesting problem on your phone. I know the top and bottom banners that you are talking about but they stay locked in place for me. (iPhone 6)


2) I have a first edition "Thome is my Homey" (that I wore to the game on Saturday), that I bought from Parker way before Twins Daily existed. Not sure if that gets me those 10000 "free" ads or not. :)

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I'm in for $20. 

If this comes as any satisfaction to you, Twins Daily costs a lot more than 20 bucks to run. Why don't you go check out how much a simple website would be for you to start, and then think of what TD must cost in comparison.


It's never going to get a serious discussion in this forum.

I don't know if a "serious discussion" is what we need to fix this problem. The man for the job is Brock Beauchamp, and let me assure you - he'll see this.

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Relegated to the "nobody ever goes there" forum :(

Can we at least get a "I've thought about that kickstarter thing, but I just don't think it makes sense"

It's never going to get a serious discussion in this forum.

This is the forum to bring up these issues. Baseball forums are for baseball. This is the forum for site issues. It's not being 'relegated' anywhere to be forgotten. You can also send a direct PM to Brock, who handles these issues for the site.

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If this comes as any satisfaction to you, Twins Daily costs a lot more than 20 bucks to run. Why don't you go check out how much a simple website would be for you to start, and then think of what TD must cost in comparison.

Conversely, go check out what a reasonable Kickstarter can raise.

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If this comes as any satisfaction to you, Twins Daily costs a lot more than 20 bucks to run. Why don't you go check out how much a simple website would be for you to start, and then think of what TD must cost in comparison.


I don't know if a "serious discussion" is what we need to fix this problem. The man for the job is Brock Beauchamp, and let me assure you - he'll see this.

I was hoping some others might, you know, join me.


I have literally no idea how much revenue is generated by the ads on this site. You could tell me any number between $500 and $10000 and I wouldn't blink an eye.

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This is the forum to bring up these issues. Baseball forums are for baseball. This is the forum for site issues. It's not being 'relegated' anywhere to be forgotten. You can also send a direct PM to Brock, who handles these issues for the site.

I use these forums all the time and this is the first time I have ever been in this particular forum. I have no idea, but I would guess this forum gets about 0.1% of the total forum traffic.

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Hm, well, Brock sure puts up with enough nutcakes to deserve it. Not only that ... this website is worth a million in my humble opinion.


But if you want others to join you ... the ads are a nuisance. You've got my back.

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I was hoping some others might, you know, join me.

I have literally no idea how much revenue is generated by the ads on this site. You could tell me any number between $500 and $10000 and I wouldn't blink an eye.

I would have considered contributing, but given the low regard held for the readership being displayed here, not bloody likely.

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Old-Timey Member

If this comes as any satisfaction to you, Twins Daily costs a lot more than 20 bucks to run. Why don't you go check out how much a simple website would be for you to start, and then think of what TD must cost in comparison.


I don't know if a "serious discussion" is what we need to fix this problem. The man for the job is Brock Beauchamp, and let me assure you - he'll see this.

No need to talk down to people from your high horse, I was joking with Brock earlier and have known him personally for many years before TD was ever around.


Yes it costs more than $20 to run a website, yes these guys deserved to get paid (Twinsdaily is actually profitable and the owners make money on it, albeit it not a ton and per a per hour basis it would be significantly lower than minimum wage) but that doesn't mean the users can't be upset with ads that are beyond over the top, these auto pla, auto expandable, ads that freeze everything up are just as bad as the pop up ads that dominated web 1.0

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I see a lot of reasonable complaints in here. Some aren't reasonable and got a chuckle out of me but most were voicing issues that I've spent a lot of time thinking about. I use this site more than all but a handful of users. Some of this stuff annoys the crap out of me, too... But we've reached somewhat of an impasse that makes changing some of the ads very difficult. I'm not going to go into detail about it and just leave it at that.


The bad news is that very little will change in the near future.


The good news is that when things change, they'll change dramatically.


But if you have comments, never hesitate to share them. Unless you're Dave. That guy just pisses me off.


If you have a serious "WTF why is this so broken?!?!" moment, you can always reach me via email at brock@twinsdaily.com or via PM (email is preferred but PMs also work).

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Old-Timey Member

I see a lot of reasonable complaints in here. Some aren't reasonable and got a chuckle out of me but most were voicing issues that I've spent a lot of time thinking about. I use this site more than all but a handful of users. Some of this stuff annoys the crap out of me, too... But we've reached somewhat of an impasse that makes changing some of the ads very difficult. I'm not going to go into detail about it and just leave it at that.


The bad news is that very little will change in the near future.


The good news is that when things change, they'll change dramatically.


But if you have comments, never hesitate to share them. Unless you're Dave. That guy just pisses me off.


If you have a serious "WTF why is this so broken?!?!" moment, you can always reach me via email at brock@twinsdaily.com or via PM (email is preferred but PMs also work).

Prince Brock made time for us after all! In between his dinner at the yacht club and gala at the radisson mall of America no doubt.


Thank you your grace for blessing us with your presence and providing a clear solution for us all!


All hail Brock!

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