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Thomas Henry (Tom) Burgmeier was born August 2, 1943 in St. Paul, MN, the fourth of eight children. He grew up in St. Cloud, MN, and graduated from St. Cloud Cathedral High School in 1961, where he was a significant contributor to Cathedral's Catholic state championship baseball team in 1961, as a pitcher.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus augue massa, tempor eu orci sit amet, elementum viverra ipsum. Pellentesque at congue nisi. Nam ac nisl ornare, aliquet nunc in, commodo metus. Phasellus eget ligula elit. Phasellus a efficitur dui, sit amet efficitur eros. Quisque vitae vestibulum lorem. Mauris ex purus, finibus in accumsan vitae, sollicitudin sit amet augue. Vivamus non arcu ipsum. Pellentesque posuere erat mauris, ac viverra risus fringilla non. Proin sed risus vel turpis placerat pharetra. Sed vulputate tellus a ex semper, convallis feugiat sapien volutpat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Sed id ante id orci eleifend porta in nec justo. Quisque viverra sapien ac pellentesque tempus. Morbi et aliquet nibh, eget aliquam arcu. Vestibulum quis bibendum neque, at condimentum lectus. Aenean vitae sagittis sapien.
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I really hold back what I would like to say about then payroll arguments here. The fact that people don't accept the amount taken in dictates the amount going out requires one of two things. Extreme financial ignorance or fanatical bias that prevents the acceptance of something some basic. I did not change the argument. It's the same idiocy over and over. Do you really want to be on the side that suggests revenues does not determine spending capacity?· 0 replies
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