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Bat Flips: More Controversial Than PEDs and The Wave?

Twins and Losses



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blog-0161167001441296521.jpgBat flips. Comparable to sack dances, banging into the boards after a sick goal, and holding your shooting pose after a 3 in the NFL, NHL, and NBA respectively. Why do many American baseball fans hate a good bat flip?


I’m not talking about the weak bat flips (tosses) you see on your TVs from time to time. I’m talking about a true show with flourish. The Korean Baseball Organization loves a good bat flip. Maybe it’s my heritage that has me looking for epic bat flips from time to time. Maybe my love of the WWE has me looking for theatrics in all sports. Maybe I secretly wish I could hit a home-run in beer league softball to flip my damn bat just one G.D. time!


Seems many MLB’ers feel the same way as the American audience. A good bat flip will most likely be rewarded by a 90+ MPH fastball in your back your next time around the line-up.


Is it because baseball players and fans in America want to see their favorite sports stay “pure?” Is it because the home run itself is more appealing than the bat flip itself? Is the showmanship and spectacle of a bat flip taking away from a monster moon shot? Are pitchers not confident enough in themselves that a power banana rocks the little confidence they have? Is a bat flip just a giant middle finger to the opposing team?


I’m not entirely sure why the bat flip is such a taboo thing to do. I’ve always enjoyed a good end zone celebration after a touchdown. Jared Allen sack dances were always fun to watch. Not so sure about dances after tackles for a 5+ yard gain. You’re just doing your job, and not doing it well. You don’t need to dance. NHL goal celebrations are always a treat. Hell, the fans even throw their hats on the ice after a hat trick.


I took a quick poll on Twitter (A.K.A. doing no research myself, and asking my friends how they feel) and the responses I got were mostly in favor, or indifferent of bat flips.


@alex_kienholz said, “They are good as heck and we need more tbh.” @jordankdwb replied with, “Bat flips are badass! When Torii does his dope bat flip you know it’s outta the park.” @88mugsy88 answered, “I do not dislike them. I do not find it disrespectful.” @deathbywater simply stated, “They’re fun.”


@ex_twins_news was more neutral with their response, “subtle ones, there’s a fine line.” When asked if the KBO bat flips were too much, they sent me a link to this David Ortiz GIF as clarification as to what’s over the line (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wDiVTjg_gY8/U9ZLyzfnffI/AAAAAAAArFU/dGyFSfwxaGY/s1600/david-ortiz-bat-flip.gif). Though Ex_Twins_News did link me to a Pedro Florimon bat flip that they liked a bit more (http://cjzero.com/gifs/FlorimonHRBatFlipAnaheim.gif). And ultimately, Ex_Twins_News is a fan of the bat toss, not flip (of which there is a difference).


Wolves Twitter even chimed in, as @averagejer said, “I might not qualify as a baseball fan but: no- it seems like a new thing to get excited about in a classic game. It’s weird.” Jer did clarify his original tweet with this, “I should clarify. I don’t dislike them or like them.”


I think AverageJer and Ex_Twins_News represent a good portion of the majority of fans, though I find myself more in line with the first group: I’m pro-bat flip. If I lose credibility over my stance, then I’m not sure I want to be part of this group anyways…


The bat flip will most likely be a topic of contention in this year’s owners meetings (no it won’t, that’s sarcasm), and I’m excited to see how this development will unfold in the future. If you belt a solid homer over the fence and the mood strikes you, flip that bat like you’ve never flipped it before. Just know that in the current baseball culture, the next fastball you see will be aimed at you, and not the strike zone.


Where do you stand on the fervor surrounding bat flips? Are you for them, or do you think the only thing that should be flipped are houses and pancakes?


– Panda Pete


@PandaPete21 / @TwinsAndLosses



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Houses and pancakes, fingers and bats ... go right ahead and flip. :) In my humble opinion, the bat flip is even better than the homerun promenade ... but if you combine them both, that's perfect. Florimon's was actually a little cooler than Ortiz's - not that I have anything against his bat flip, but it was more reminiscent of a walk than a moonshot, if you know what I mean. And if you hit one out, this is what you should do:




And to expand a bit on the general theme, if pitchers want to come off the mound pumping their fist and/or swearing into their glove, I think they should be prepared for the occasional bat flip following the home runs they allow.

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