What should Twins response be to Yankees attempt to control the internation market
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According to a post I saw yesterday on mlbtraderumors the Yankees were quoted as saying money was no object to them in the international market.
Teams are given a set amount to spend in the international market and then a 100% luxury tax kicks in along with other penalties. The Yankees have I believe somewhere around 2 million to spend and they are talking in the range of 12-15 million not including the luxury tax.
Do the small market and mid market teams need to stand up and make this a hard cap or insist on a draft for the international market. If the Yankee's plan is allowed, this cap has become just a joke. The big market teams will sign who they want and drive the prices up on the better players and leave only the crumbs for the mid and small market teams.
Should be an interesting ride as the Cubs did something similar last year.
What should the Twins response be, just spend the money if they feel the player is worthwhile and take gambles to drive up the price on the rest, or join the mid and smaller market teams to close this loophole.
This loophole may close if there is an international player draft coming.
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