“Dreams Do Come True”
Twins Video
Most of the time I do not question what moves the Twins make. Long ago I learned that it would be a waste of my time to get upset about such things as they are 90% upsetting to me. I like baseball and I like the Twins, but fortunately I do not have to throw in the towel anymore - for me the towel does not exist. I just observe from the sidelines, nod my head, grin and bare it, and forge ahead.
I guess I somewhat want to be positive and wish Doug Bernier a heart felt congratulations. I am not quite sure how he made it to the big leagues in 2008 with the Colorado Rockies and I am not quite sure how he was just called up to the Bigs by the Minnesota Twins. Maybe hard work pays off. Maybe he is the best human being to have walked the face of the Earth. Maybe in a previous life he was a garden slug. Whatever it may be – Doug Bernier is living his dream and reaping the rewards of his labor. Kudos to you Mr. Bernier.
My closing on Doug Bernier:
A lifetime MiLB BA of .241
A lifetime MiLB Slg. Pct. of .319
A Lifetime MiLB OPS of .666 (No, I do not think he is the Anti-Christ)
Doug’s OBP is not too horrible at a .347 clip, but he strikes out a ton. I am guessing he is something special with his glove at Shortstop.
I have come to the conclusion that Doug Bernier’s Dreams have Come True.
Which leads me to this:
I have a good friend, in his upper 30’s, who is definitely a free spirit. He owns a house in the country, but is transient in nature 50% of the time, and in all so many words certifiably insane or something to that affect. Up until a few weeks ago, I had not seen him in over a year. I had a party over the 4th of July weekend and by chance he called the day before, thus attending our party. He has the ability to dance in and out of your life and at that time when he dances out, you feel pretty good with the outcome, but when you see him, you realize you miss him, and love him like family.
5 days after the party, he stopped by my place of residence to pick up some old fence pieces that another friend of mine gave to him at the party, which were being stored in my backyard behind the garage.
My friend came up to visit briefly as I had some other things going on and could not entertain any guests for more than an hour.
Our Conversation:
Bark: Hey “John Doe”, what’s been new?
John Doe: A lot of things… I have been very busy.
Bark: Busy? Busy with what?
John Doe: I have a new plan of action and new purpose.
Bark: What is this new plan of yours?
John Doe: I have decided to become a professional baseball Third Baseman.
Bark: What? (With all my strength and all my mite, I held in my laughter as I did not want to offend him.)
John Doe: I am going to become a Professional Third Baseman and I will make it to the Big Leagues. First I will train and practice for the next year, go to a big league tryout, sign on with the club, and my goal is to make it to the majors 3 years after I start my new career.
Bark: You do know that almost all players’ careers are finished by the time they are your age… right?
John Doe: That does not pertain to me. I am physically fit. I work on a farm most of the time. I am strong. I get my hands dirty, I feel like I am in my early twenties.
Bark: Okay?
John Doe: The reason I am doing this, is that I want to make the Big Leagues, become a fan favorite, get into a knock out, drag out argument with the manager on the field of play and then retire right away. With the cult following I have accumulated and the lasting impression I left – this will be the perfect tool to jump start my political career and my eventual rise to governor!
Bark: Nuff Said.
After Thought:
To be honest, I was very disappointed the Twins called up a player of Doug Bernier’s caliber. Put aside the year he is having at AAA and his age, one would think he does not even belong at that level.
After the Twins made this move – it started to get my mind spinning and I came to this conclusion:
My lack of vision holds me back. I must remove these shackles.
If Doug Bernier can make it to the Majors 2 times in a 6 season stretch, who is to say my friend “John Doe” can’t do it once?
I now believe in my heart that my friend will make it to the Majors and execute his plan.
Dreams do Come True.
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