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Into the Weeds - A Spreadsheet for "All 81" Away Games, Use with Discretion

Steven Trefz



Twins Video

Counting the costs.

I spent most of the weekend drumming up the potential ramifications of my "all 81 away games" dream in an excel spreadsheet.  This led to some quality angst and vulnerability hangover, for both I and spouse :)

Upon entering mileage and dates, a few things are apparent:

1.  MLB was not considering my potential dream trip when they were organizing the Twins road schedule this year.  Beyond utilizing the LA trip as a back to back with the Dodgers and Angels in May, and the train ride between Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park in April (which could each be their own version of Twins fan H-E-DoubleWildSticks), the journeys between road cities often carry a closed eyes/dart throw vibe.

2.  Buying airline tickets right now should be paired with antidepressant usage.

3.  Getting accurate travel cost assessment can't happen until I get a better handle on who is joining me on each leg of the journey and how my lodging sets up.

4.  At the end of the day, I'm even more excited to take the trip than when I started :)

To kick off the blog this week I'm sharing my template for "Twins Home & Away Journey 2023."  I would invite you to waste some time this week switching out my hometown for yours, and calculating the distance between destinations, car travel estimates, plane company options, etc. 

What would it require of you to make the journey?  For me the season adds up to (at a minimum) 37,989 miles.  How about for you?

Are there any legs of the journey that can and need to happen for you and your crew this season now that you've laid it out there in grid form?

Let me know what parts of the journey stand out to you as uniquely "oofda" or amazingly "nice."  


2023 Twins Home and Away Trip Itinerary.xlsx



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I'm planning an "all 30 stadiums in 1 season" journey, but you've blown my idea out of the water with this one. What a fun summer adventure! I look forward to continuing to follow your planning and journey.

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I don't know...I think your idea is just as logistically daunting, if not more so!  One of the resources that I checked out in 2019 was:

"I Don't Care if We Never Get Back: 30 Games in 30 Days on the Best Worst Baseball Road Trip Ever Hardcover"   by Ben Blatt (Author), Eric Brewster (Author)

They did all 30 in 30 days in 2013...and barely lived to tell about it.  They have a website for this, but it was last updated in 2017 so click at your own risk:  30 IN 30 SITE  I hope to blog about this resource in January sometime.  A couple parts of the narrative had a big impact on me.

Keep us posted with how it goes and if our trips might collide here or there!  With the new interleague scheduling, its a great new era to try it!  (that's me trying to be optimistic about the new schedule...)


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