Twins Daily was created with non-clubhouse types in mind
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Twins Daily’s Seth Stohs tweeted that this morning on ESPN1500’s Judd & Phunn show, co-host Joe Anderson, aka “Phunn”, “just bashed blogs and big-timed all fans for not being in the clubhouse.” Anderson apparently said that only then could bloggers and fans have opinions.
Not having heard the rant live (you can likely go to the show’s webpage and catch it on-demand shortly), I cannot comment on the overall tone of Anderson’s remarks. He’s a radio guy that is likely making a statement just to push the envelope and rile people up. All in all, it’s likely not worth the time reacting to it.
But, still, I feel as if I must.
As a blogger, I do find his take unenlightened. We at TwinsCentric strive to put out high quality content that goes beyond the brick and mortar of the confines of the clubhouse. John Bonnes has done extensive studies on the team’s payroll. No need to access the clubhouse for that. Seth Stohs has limitless connections within and knowledge of the team’s minor league system that puts many in the Twins organization to shame. No need for clubhouse access for him. Nick Nelson provides unparalleled commentary on the team that does not require him to be in the pressbox nightly. Beyond our group are plenty of other writers who have used the internet to provide outstanding insight without ever having had stepped foot in a locker room of any sport.
Certainly there is a genre of bloggers and fans that light up the internets or radio lines to offer their opinions that may have no grounding in reality. They may be out of left field but that does not mean they don’t have the right to have those opinions. Here at Twins Daily, we welcome those opinions – no matter how off-base they may be (just so they are not off-color). We hope you contribute all of your information. Having clubhouse access is not a prerequisite for providing thoughtful commentary or analysis.
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