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blog-0355334001596224965.jpgWe have had Marlins, Phillies, and now Cardinals test positive. We have had replacement games with the poor Yankees having to play the highly rated Orioles.


Monday the Postponed games were - Yankees at Phillies; Orioles at Marlins.

Tuesday - Postponed games: Yankees at Phillies; Orioles at Marlins.

Wednesday - Postponed games: Phillies at Yankees; Orioles at Marlins. Replacement game: Yankees at Orioles.

Thursday - Postponed games: Phillies at Yankees; Orioles at Marlins. Replacement game: Yankees at Orioles.

Today - Postponed games: Cardinals at Brewers; Phillies at Blue Jays; Nationals at Marlins. Weekend games already postponed (both Saturday and Sunday): Phillies at Blue Jays; Nationals at Marlins.


And the Cardinals just left Minnesota. The Blue Jays are postponed and do not even have a home to go to. If MN is postponed will it be during the Cleveland Series and the Pirates. The first set is fine, but lets not lose out on Pittsburgh.


In a 60 game season that is 12 postponed games. The end of September the playoffs are scheduled to follow the jampacked season. So we will have teams at this stage who have played 50 - 60 games. No guarantees. Fair?


They are ready for double headers now with 7 inning games - how about triple headers with 5 innings each? Four game sets at three innings each? Or we just roll dice and pretend it is an APBA season.


Oh yes, the question (s) - if this blows up in the next week or two - do the stats still count or will Bieber and others be short changed. I mean the games are regular season like the counting stats for Upton's 300th HR, does Kelly's suspension go away, Does Cabrera lose his three HRs as he goes for 500 or the hits as he looks for 3000?



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I am not at all worried about an unequal number of games. The ultra-unbalanced schedule is already completely unfair -- Central division teams play not one game against the coastal juggernauts, etc..  And even a balanced schedule wouldn't mean that much since it's just 60 games.  In a schedule that short, fluky things happen. The best teams may not have time to rise to the top.


So why am I not concerned?  All of those problems are rendered moot by letting 16 games into the postseason.  If you can't finish in the top 16, you are not playoff  playoff worthy, period.  A format in which everyone makes the playoffs except the bottom half of the league is so incredibly forgiving that whether you play 50 or 60 is irrelevant.  If you can't win half your games, let it go. You don't deserve a chance to end the season of an actual winning team. 


I have other problems with the 16-team playoff format -- for instance, a dominant Twins team could get knocked out of the playoffs by a third place team, in just two games.  That is a much more serious problem, to me.  And with eight of these ridiculous best of 3 series, that is going to happen.  Some deserving team that easily made the final eight in the regular season will lose their place in the final eight of the playoffs due to this blatant cash-grab.  


The one good thing about it, though, is that if because of the short schedule, one of the best eight teams does not finish in the final eight, they still get a chance.  In a 60 game season (or 45, or whatever), a little wiggle room is not the worst thing.  As long as they ditch this format when the full seasons comes back. 


If they keep this format, though, which they sadly might because of the TV revenue, I hope they at least make them best of 5 or best of 7.  Otherwise a truly terrible team with two good starting pitchers and nothing else will regularly knock a legit contender from the playoffs before they even start.  What are the chances of zero upsets in eight 3 game series?  Almost nil.


If this happens to the Twins, in the year they finally, finally spent the money to build a legit contender, with no holes from top to bottom, I will be beside myself.  The only thing that would cheer me up would be if it happened to the Yankees too.  But it's not what I want. 


If the Twins win it all this year, but the Yankees get dumped in the first round by a third place team, it will feel more than a little hollow.  What I want is a real, best of 7 matchup between the two best teams, the Twins and Yankees. That would be a victory I could savor the rest of my life. A bogus playoff with bogus matchups would mean much, much less.

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I worry about that too - the Cinderella syndrome - teams get hot and cold at different times in the season and the chance for a poor team to rise to the top is too great for me to feel good about it.  It is like Hockey - a hot goalie can carry a team and a staff Ace can propel a baseball team in a short series. 

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