The answer is from Dave Schoenfeld who writes the "Sweet Spot" blog on ESPN's MLB page. I can see a scary situation unfolding in Minneapolis. Say Mauer and/or Morneau gets hurt again early this season, Target Field could be half empty before the All-Star break as the 2012 Twins challenge the 1962 Mets for the ultimate distinction in baseball futility. How long before Gardy gets his long overdue ejection by the front office, even if the Twins stay healthy? The fans have wanted his he
I really hold back what I would like to say about then payroll arguments here. The fact that people don't accept the amount taken in dictates the amount going out requires one of two things. Extreme financial ignorance or fanatical bias that prevents the acceptance of something some basic. I did not change the argument. It's the same idiocy over and over. Do you really want to be on the side that suggests revenues does not determine spending capacity?
At this point in the pre-season, I’m just so happy to be seeing games again, I don’t care about the Twins record in 2023. I think they’ll win it all, unrealistically speaking 🙂