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Jon Marthaler writes about the Twins / refers to himself in the third person in blog descriptions.

Entries in this blog

The Story of Phil Hughes, of Phillip Hughes, And How I'd Like To Ignore All Of This

Last June, Phil Hughes took a liner off the knee.   Because we have this kind of information now, MLB.com mentioned that the liner had left J.T. Realmuto's bat at 106 miles per hour. That's a little more than 155 feet per second, and Hughes' follow-through put him maybe 56 or 57 feet from where Realmuto made contact. In other words, Hughes had approximately one-third of a second to protect himself. The average blink of an eye takes 100 to 400 milliseconds. In this case, the cliche is correct: Hu

Jon Marthaler

Jon Marthaler

Ranking: Methods of Speeding Up Baseball

1. Pitch Clock I used to be anti-pitch clock, like a lot of people. "Baseball doesn't have a clock!" I exclaimed, stupidly forgetting the day that I saw Freddy Garcia average (estimating here) fourteen hours between pitches. By the end of the third inning of the first pitch-clocked game I saw, I was a convert, and you will be too.   It moves the game along. I now support the shortest pitch clock possible, as well as a between-innings clock, and also support giving the umpire a BB gun to shoot pe

Jon Marthaler

Jon Marthaler

Twins Medical Staff Starting To Wonder About Peer Review Process At Yahoo! Answers

The Twins medical staff is under fire again for yet another misbegotten medical decision, and according to sources, some of the doctors on staff are starting to question the team's long-running practice of relying on Yahoo! Answers for medical advice.   "We've long been believers in Yahoo! Answers, which has been our go-to repository of cutting-edge medical research," said a source, who's intimately involved with the team's medical staff. "Unlike traditional journals, which can be months, even

Jon Marthaler

Jon Marthaler

President Trump brands Baseball-Reference redesign "Enemy of the People"

In a late-night tweet, President Donald Trump branded the recent redesign of indispensable baseball statistics website baseball-reference.com "the enemy of the people."   Said Trump in a tweet, posted after midnight on February 26: "Baseball-reference redesign: Media elites keep changing things so that REAL fans can't find baseball facts to refute their FAKE NEWS. Enemy of the people. Sad!"   The redesign, rolled out last week to drastically improve the site's performance on mobile devices and c

Jon Marthaler

Jon Marthaler

Terry Ryan Getting Real Tired Of Putting On Derek Falvey Disguise Every Morning

According to sources, Twins general manager Terry Ryan is getting more and more tired of having to dress up as former Indians executive Derek Falvey every morning at spring training, and is considering other options. Ryan, 63, hatched the deception last year as the Twins slid to the worst season in franchise history, but reportedly is tired of the extra work that the disguise involves.   Friends say that Ryan now grouses throughout his daily two-hour makeup session, which transforms him into a r

Jon Marthaler

Jon Marthaler

Twins Admit "Engelb Vielma" Is Not A Real Person

Thursday, the Twins officially announced what many had suspected all along: "Engelb Vielma," supposedly a light-hitting middle-infielder from Venezuela, is actually a fictional creation, a la Sidd Finch.   "Frankly, we were surprised that our joke went on so long," said Twins spokesman Dustin Morse. "It seemed obvious that it was a prank, especially when we put it out that his middle name was 'Stalin,' but in the internet age, people just assumed that he was a prospect and didn't question it."  

Jon Marthaler

Jon Marthaler

$200 million is the new $100 million

Forbes.com reported today that Major League baseball league-wide revenues jumped from $8 billion in 2013 to $9 billion in 2014, mostly due to the league's new national TV contracts and to revenue from MLB Advanced Media, the league's online streaming arm.   A look back: In 2001, revenue was $3.6 billion; adjusted for inflation, $4.66 billion in today's dollars, according to Forbes. That year, three MLB teams had payrolls over $100 million; the Yankees led the way with just over $112 million. 16

Jon Marthaler

Jon Marthaler

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