Sorry for being late with this. Was out of town on some family matters. I know these are available at other sites now, but posting for posterity's sake. Pino left the game and after being optioned down after the game was placed on the minor league DL. Since he's on the minor league DL, he won't accrue service time, or earn the league minimum like he would if he were on the major league DL. This is going to be a very interesting situation, because as the 26t Sorry for the delay and poor quality of the image. I'm out of town and away from my computer so I tabulated it old school tonight. Not going to be a lot of insight from me, hoping to hear some more from you guys. Quick thoughts. First time covering Milone, and noticing he primarily stuck with the 4 seam and change tonight. Detroit was very aggressive. 22 balls in play, 16 foul balls and 7 swinging strikes makes 45 balls that were offered at. Throw in 37 balls, Phil Hughes pitched a great game. Amazing command, throwing a 71-26 ratio on balls to strikes and some nice swinging strike numbers. One thing of note (though it's actually not on this image, and might start becoming part of it in the future) is that Cleveland had 32 foul balls, 3 of which were foul tips. In the top of the 3rd, Zach Walters fouled off 7 pitches in one at bat alone! There are two ways that you can look at a stat like that: According to Brooksbaseb Mixed bag tonight from Nolasco. Nolasco's Fastball velocity seemed all over the place. He started the first two innings around 91-92 mph with both his 4 and 2 seam, but at the end of the first he touched 93 with back to back 2 seams. Then, in the third inning his velocity dipped down, registering 89-90 (thouched 92 with his last 2 seam of the inning). Then for the rest of the game he seemed hovered at 91-92, while a few 89, 90 and 93 mixed in. The Indians ca
Kyle Gibson's pitch breakdown from Tuesday's 7-5 loss against the Cleveland Indians. Gibson pitched 5.1 innings, allowing 5R/ER on 8 hits, 1 BB and 4 SOs. In his post game interview, Gibson said his fastball command was in and out, and his slider was his worst pitch, and the numbers pretty much reflect this. His slider was effective at getting swings and misses, but 3 of the 8 hits he allowed were on the slider, while the other 5 were on fastballs. His changeup
I know this information is available on the web for people, but I compile it during the game and I like to look at it. I also enjoy having some of these key demographics together in one quick table. I've yet to decide how I'm going to present the info (images aren't seeming to post over and copying data from excel is losing it's formatting), so for the time being, it's in the form of a JPEG in the attached Gallery. I may just make one for each starting pitcher and keep a rolling compendium of th
I really hold back what I would like to say about then payroll arguments here. The fact that people don't accept the amount taken in dictates the amount going out requires one of two things. Extreme financial ignorance or fanatical bias that prevents the acceptance of something some basic. I did not change the argument. It's the same idiocy over and over. Do you really want to be on the side that suggests revenues does not determine spending capacity?
At this point in the pre-season, I’m just so happy to be seeing games again, I don’t care about the Twins record in 2023. I think they’ll win it all, unrealistically speaking 🙂