This article can also be found here Tyler's LinkedIn page Use the #hiretyler too. Tyler Mason is a free agent sports writer who previously covered the Minnesota Twins Beat for Fox Sports North. Unfortunately, Mason’s narrative is far too common in sports journalism. Mason uses the hashtag #hiretyler to help him network for his next opportunity. He was nice enough to take some time to answer questions about his experiences working at FSN, his take on current trends in the
I have stopped using a physical calendar for sometime now. Mainly because I have a smartphone and I always want to have the calendar with me. Anyway this past year for the holiday season my own father bought me a Minnesota Twins Calendar. Then on Twitter this week I came upon the Mets Season calendar That got me to thinking is my Minnesota Twins Calendar just as worse? I will break it down month by month. January -
As some of you may not know I am the Events Chair for the Halsey hall SABR (Society for American Baseball Research) Chapter. Basically my job is to set up and run the spring and chapter meetings each each year. They are usually located in a church basement with serious baseball fans and most of the people are men in their 50's adn 60's . SABR, as well as a baseball, has serious age problem. Which is a whole another blog post in its own because attendance has never been higher. One of the reason This is a great book that examines the life of soccer dad in suburban DC Area and the history of soccer in the United States. Since I am young professional who is nowhere near that part in my life I found the stories about youth sports quite boring. However, If you are in that part of your life of soccer practice, soccer games, carpooling, politics of sports, the money invested in the game then I would highly recommend that you read this book.
Since high School Football is one week away, college football is two weeks away, and the NFL is three weeks This is perfect time to read this article. I needed a book on tape for my summer travels from my local library. so I grabbed one called Why I Love This Game by Larry King. This was the legendary Larry King who far exceeded my expectations as a book author. He made have some help on the way but the book was still good because his passion of the game could easily be felt and he told some
“There is no cheering in the press box.” Told my dad before I even thought about attending a game in the Target Field press box. I parked in Garage in A which has the skyway attached to Target Field for 16 dollars. Not worth the price because the Macy’s Parking Garage is only 5 dollars and one block from Target Field. When arrived there at 5 o clock, about 2 hours from first pitch, I picked up credentials at Gate 29 from the public relations intern named Lizz. I was instructed to take the elev
This was originaly posted my own blog at blogspot. Then John Bonnes left me a nice message telling me why he deleted it. He thought that is was spam because it wanst baseball related. Which is fine but I have retuned this post to make it more Twins and Baseball Centric TED talks are one of the most popular ways a college student can waste time surfing the internet. If you are unfamiliar with them I highly reccmend that you stop reading this and check it out.
here is his most popular talk a
Marney Gellner and Tom Kelly both appeared at my old Chaska High School for the American Legion Baseball Championship Opening Ceremony August 3rd My uncle randomly called and let me know that there was a dinner for 35 dollars, sponsored by the American Legion which followed an award ceremony. So I grabbed some dinner beforehand and showed up on a whim. (Tuition is expensive) For those that do not know, the American Legion sponsors an annual baseball league for teenage baseball players. Basica
Every Monday of the baseball season I have to check the ESPN mlb website by noon. why might you ask? Too see the power rankings and where the twins rank in compassion with rest of MLB. Here is the link for this week's rankings Now, I am sure there are more rankings out there that are more accurate and fair to teams that are not covered in the Eastern Sports Programming Network.(the Twins are near the bottom) But one of the reasons I like these rankings is
I am writing on this website because of my ipad. When I started graduated school this June at the University of Minnesota in the Masters in Education/Mathematics Education initial licensure program my professor gave everyone his ipad education sales pitch. He said to us that through his experience and constant networking he found that school districts in the state are now starting to put curriculum on their on ipads. Thus getting one could highly increase the probability of us getting hired.
I really hold back what I would like to say about then payroll arguments here. The fact that people don't accept the amount taken in dictates the amount going out requires one of two things. Extreme financial ignorance or fanatical bias that prevents the acceptance of something some basic. I did not change the argument. It's the same idiocy over and over. Do you really want to be on the side that suggests revenues does not determine spending capacity?
At this point in the pre-season, I’m just so happy to be seeing games again, I don’t care about the Twins record in 2023. I think they’ll win it all, unrealistically speaking 🙂