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Entries in this blog

Boy Are We Lucky

Made my first trip of the year to Target Field for last night's game. Of course, everyone knows that the Twins lost (again) to the Blue Jays. Further, the game featured a number of soul-sucking moments: everything from a dropped (or more accurately, unfielded) popup barely 15 feet from home to a number of extra bases being taken on sloppy or inattentive fielding to another 'let's get the suspense over early' spotting of several early runs by the Twins designated starting pitcher.   Nonetheless,



Hope is Not a Strategy

So, how's my opening day wish list doing? About as well as yours, I expect.   But, since I don't have yours, I'm going to review mine.   So here are the 'original' wishes/hopes/dreams/fantasies - with comments after one month of harsh reality.   1) Mauer plays well and stays healthy and is in serious contention for a batting title and even MVP consideration. Well, Joe's been healthy, at least. Even with the foul tip to the knee, he's amassed more plate appearances than everyone else except Span



Hope Springs Eternal

Opening Day is a time for hope.   So, while the Twins are still undefeated, I thought I'd fire off a list of things I'm hoping will occur in 2012. Some may be more realistic than others, heck I'm willing to admit that some are pure fantasy. But still...   These are ten things I hope to see in 2012:   1) Mauer plays well and stays healthy and is in serious contention for a batting title and even MVP consideration. 2) Dan Barriero is publicly ridiculed and forced to apologize to Joe for constantly



ThatsRich is Also a Blind Pig

Huh.   Just saw the following story pop up on Zite.   http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2012/writers/tom_verducci/03/06/designated.hitter.national.league/index.html?eref=sihp&sct=hp_t11_a2   The primary thesis of which sounds an awful lot like my second point in the prior post - about the move of Houston to the AL leading inevitably to the abolition of the 'non-DH' rule.   I'm not saying Mr. Verducci snuck onto Twins Daily for column ideas. We just happened to be thinking along the same lines



Bud Selig is a Blind Pig

I mean no offense, Allan.   You know the old saw about blind pigs and acorns, right? Proposition: Bud Selig is just such a blind pig. And a pretty lucky blind pig, at that.   I'm not a fan of Mr. Allan H. Selig. I harbor no particular ill will toward him - although he was in cahoots to contract my favorite team. But we have a (fabulous) new stadium now as our home for the foreseeable future. I'm willing to let bygones be bygones.   But Buddy has been a busy boy. He certainly wouldn't be eligible



And One More Thing...

In laying out my blog manifesto in the previous post, I forgot to include a feature which will appear with more regularity than even I enjoy...   11) Inaccuracy - as proven by the initial post. In item #3 when referring to my brother, the Yankee fan, I also included 'his nephew'. Not correct. It's HIS son. It's MY nephew. Look for more of this kind of brilliant commentary in coming posts. (And I didn't even try to quote any statistics.)   TR



You Never Forget Your First

So, blogging...   Huh, so this is what it's like? Seems a lot like typing practice. Well, I guess I shouldn't judge. I've been blogging for 43 seconds now - maybe I should give it a little more time.   Or maybe not, since everyone has already projected the rest of Frankie Liriano's career from his first 17 spring training pitches, I shouldn't worry about projecting my blogging career from the first 17 words.   So what will this blog be like?   1) Intermittent - I have a full-time job and a cou



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